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Hello! Already posted the top environment stories for June! #TheGreenReport Check them here in our bulletin board :) https://communities.rappler.com/ytUTSmRbUiTCeeZEWA/mvUzaMfhCdhafjnpCT/board/168

user avatar for @kang_neru:camprappler.campin.gg
Jun 20 10:07 AM

Hello everyone! I'm Erika, Rappler's Intern under envi. I'm looking forward for today's discussion ^_^

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Nilley has joined the channel.Jun 20 10:08 AM
user avatar for @iyagozum:camprappler.campin.gg
Iya Gozum
Jun 20 10:08 AM

yes now it is


10:09 AM

To start, maybe you can introduce yourselves and what your orgs are currently doing re the plastic crisis? :) @Marian @Arpita

Jun 20 10:11 AM

Hi! I'm Marian Ledesma from Greenpeace Philippines. We're currently working promoting reuse and refill solutions like our project Kuha sa Tingi. Sa policy naman, we push for plastic bans and the Global Plastics Treaty. YOu might have also seen our work pressuring corporations to reduce their plastic production and shifting to reuse

user avatar for @iyagozum:camprappler.campin.gg
Iya Gozum
Jun 20 10:14 AM

I think most people here are familiar with Greenpeace one way or another, as you're one of the most visible envi orgs in PH and the world :)

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gelei has joined the channel.Jun 20 10:16 AM
Jun 20 10:16 AM

We collab with other orgs sa campaigns namin, like I work with Arpita and other partners for plastics treaty work and other policies.

user avatar for @juliancirineo:camprappler.campin.gg
julian cirineo
Jun 20 10:17 AM

Helloooo @Marian

Jun 20 10:17 AM

Hi, @julian cirineo!! :D

user avatar for @iyagozum:camprappler.campin.gg
Iya Gozum
Jun 20 10:17 AM

Ah you know each other na pala! @Marian @Arpita

Jun 20 10:17 AM


10:18 AM

What's great about the PH and Asia Pacific na region is that there are a lot of orgs working together to address plastic issues, and handling different aspects of it.

Jun 20 10:18 AM

Hello! I'm Arpita from GAIA Asia Pacific with our regional head office in Manila, Philippines. We have grassroots ngos and groups as members with over 100+ members in Asia Pacific alone. I work on plastics related policy issues including national, regional and international policies to enable transition to plastic-free, toxic-free, Just Zero Waste systems. :) i'm based in Mumbai, India btw
PS: I'm struggling with the rappler platform so expect delays. Sorry!

user avatar for @iyagozum:camprappler.campin.gg
Iya Gozum
Jun 20 10:19 AM

(Glad to have you back, Arpita! :D )

Jun 20 10:19 AM

Fun fact: I'm an ex-Greenpeace staff myself :P

user avatar for @jeegeronimo:camprappler.campin.gg
Jee Y. Geronimo
Jun 20 10:20 AM

Thanks for joining us @Arpita!

Jun 20 10:20 AM

Yes, of course we know and LOVE each other

10:20 AM

Marian is one of my favorite Filipinos in the space

user avatar for @iyagozum:camprappler.campin.gg
Iya Gozum
Jun 20 10:20 AM

Baka you can both share your experiences campaigning for zero waste? What are the usual challenges? How do these efforts "keep up" ~ with the mounting plastic problem?

10:21 AM

Marian is one of my favorite Filipinos in the space

(We love solidarity :D)

Jun 20 10:24 AM

As with any environmental or social campaign, there are definitely challenges and it can seem like it'll always be an uphill climb, especially when corporations or industries with their billions are against the change the movement is working toward. Also if the government isn't aligned, it can be hard. But it's not all doom and gloom naman. May pockets of hope naman. That's what I like to call the efforts, esp ones led by communities, which result in clear wins or people rising up to get justice or when groups advance solutions

user avatar for @iyagozum:camprappler.campin.gg
Iya Gozum
Jun 20 10:25 AM

Speaking of pockets of hope, Greenpeace has this initiative to institutionalize refill systems in sari-sari stores right?

Jun 20 10:26 AM

So, I have shuffled between climate and plastics campaigns. Zero Waste, as a concept and a goal, came to my life via GAIA in 2014 when I had initiated campaign on menstrual hygiene waste or sustainable menstruation as we called it in India.
Challenges are multifold:
- Corporate and industry influence is one of the biggest one. On finance, narratives, nexus with government bodies
- Behavior change among the public
- Enabling policy ecosystems - 2 examples: support for small Zero Waste businesses for example, stopping plastic subsidies which make the material so cheap
- Putting frontline and fenceline community voices in the forefront is one of the key factors for success of any Zero Waste or sustainable change

Jun 20 10:27 AM

Challenge ang lack of policies or regulations, or the presence of ones that aren't people-centered or guided by environmental justice principles. Another is that often orgs and communities don't have the resources to match the pushback of big companies... But we all have to keep at it to drive plastic production down, kasi the overproduction of plastics is really at the root of this whole crisis

10:29 AM
Iya Gozum

Speaking of pockets of hope, Greenpeace has this initiative to institutionalize refill systems in sari-sari stores right?

Yes! We worked with Quezon City, San Juan and Ripplex to get Kuha sa Tingi going. We want to bring alternatives to sachets to the barangays. People are willing to chage and move away from plastic, but the solutions also have to be fair for them. So the refilling dispenser option is affordable and accessible.

Jun 20 10:29 AM

The resources in the anti-plastics movement in terms of funding is also limited while we are fighting against corporations with much, much more power which is why solidarity and networks and movements such as GAIA, BFFP and Greenpeace have a crucial role in empowering the movement

Jun 20 10:31 AM

Yes! We worked with Quezon City, San Juan and Ripplex to get Kuha sa Tingi going. We want to bring alternatives to sachets to the barangays. People are willing to chage and move away from plastic, but the solutions also have to be fair for them. So the refilling dispenser option is affordable and accessible.

Other groups and MSMEs are also providing solutions na refill or reuse in our communities. Hopefully more will get onboard and we can reach more people, make them see that going zero waste can be for everybody

user avatar for @iyagozum:camprappler.campin.gg
Iya Gozum
Jun 20 10:31 AM

If anyone's interested to read up on Kuha sa Tingi, we reported about it last March https://www.rappler.com/philippines/metro-manila/refill-hubs-solution-store-owners-buyers-report/

Jun 20 10:31 AM

Plastic is fossil fuel industry's Plan B as renewables gain cost parity with traditional electricity, therefore, their interests in keeping volumes of polymer production up are quite high. as marian says, an uphill battle

user avatar for @jeegeronimo:camprappler.campin.gg
Jee Y. Geronimo
Jun 20 10:32 AM

To either @Arpita or @Marian, do you think the discussion on plastics has caught up to the level that climate change discussions have reached in the last few decades?

user avatar for @iyagozum:camprappler.campin.gg
Iya Gozum
Jun 20 10:32 AM

The resources in the anti-plastics movement in terms of funding is also limited while we are fighting against corporations with much, much more power which is why solidarity and networks and movements such as GAIA, BFFP and Greenpeace have a crucial role in empowering the movement

Resources, funding really move the campaign no? Specially when you're moving against big corporations

Jun 20 10:34 AM

Plastic is fossil fuel industry's Plan B as renewables gain cost parity with traditional electricity, therefore, their interests in keeping volumes of polymer production up are quite high. as marian says, an uphill battle

Yes. I'm sure in this group people are familiar with the link of plastics to fossil fuels (99% of plastic are from oil, coal and gas). But sometimes people are surprised about how plastic pollution is linked to the climate emergency, hindi lang biodiversity loss... And when we call for reduction in plastic production, the fossil fuel industry also feels the pressure.

Jun 20 10:34 AM
Iya Gozum

Resources, funding really move the campaign no? Specially when you're moving against big corporations

Exactly! In the last Intergovernmental Negotiating Committee meeting (INC-4) in Canada in April, we saw an overwhelming amount of corporate ads with the narrative "plastic saves lives" and much worse everywhere, starting at the airport itself

10:36 AM

INC4 is the fourth round of meeting to develop a new international agreement on plastic pollution https://www.unep.org/inc-plastic-pollution

user avatar for @iyagozum:camprappler.campin.gg
Iya Gozum
Jun 20 10:36 AM

There are a lot of lobbyists from the industry right?

Jun 20 10:36 AM
Jee Y. Geronimo

To either @Arpita or @Marian, do you think the discussion on plastics has caught up to the level that climate change discussions have reached in the last few decades?

I think in terms of people wanting to act on the problem, there is large support for solutions and people in general want to act on it. However, there's a lot of focus on the waste management side of things (yung downstream or post-consumer disposal). We need more conversations on the upstream and production side, because that's where plastic pollution really starts.

user avatar for @iyagozum:camprappler.campin.gg
Iya Gozum
Jun 20 10:37 AM

For those not familiar pala, can you explain what happened in the INC4 in Canada? What was the meeting for?

Jun 20 10:37 AM

196 lobbyists for the fossil fuel and chemical industry registered for the plastics treaty talks, a 37% increase from the 143 lobbyists registered at INC-3. https://www.ciel.org/news/fossil-fuel-and-chemical-industry-influence-inc4/

Jun 20 10:38 AM

INC-4 is shorthand for the 4th intergovernmental negotiating committee meeting to develop a Global Plastics Treaty. Yung goal of the treaty is to end plastic pollution and address it throughout its entire lifecycle - which should be from extraction of fossil fuels and plastic production until sa disposal.

10:39 AM

The next and last meeting is in Busan this Nov, and hopefully the UN member states can finish the final text.

Jun 20 10:41 AM

thanks Marian! However, it is unlikely that in Busan, the final draft would be ready given the "progress" (or lack thereof) in the process so far

10:41 AM

which is where corporate capture or industry influence including from petrochemical heavy countries come into picture

10:41 AM

and that's the crux of our fight for justice from plastic pollution!

Jun 20 10:42 AM

GAIA, Greenpeace and our allies are campaigning to make sure that countries making money from oil and plastic don't remove the provisions that require a reduction in plastic production... hehe I keep mentioning plastic production kasi it's very crucial that it remains in the treaty. One reason is it's necessary na may ganun because it's the only way to stay on track for keeping global temp rise under 1.5 degrees. Another is that with reduction, we can prevent the health and envi effects of the plastic lifecycle

Jun 20 10:42 AM

hello. may we know how can we bring Kuha sa Tingi in our own cities?

user avatar for @iyagozum:camprappler.campin.gg
Iya Gozum
Jun 20 10:43 AM

Some say that the global plastics treaty is the biggest agreement daw, if adopted, since the 2015 Paris Agreement...

Jun 20 10:44 AM

thanks Marian! However, it is unlikely that in Busan, the final draft would be ready given the "progress" (or lack thereof) in the process so far

Hehehe yes. The idea was to finish by this year, but will all the blockers, we may not get it in 2024. This is fine though. We'd rather have a slight delay and compromise on timeline, as opposed to compromising on substance of the text and getting an ineffective treaty without the right provisions.

Jun 20 10:45 AM
Iya Gozum

Some say that the global plastics treaty is the biggest agreement daw, if adopted, since the 2015 Paris Agreement...

You see plastics are a complex, ubiquitous material (polymer + chemical additives) and plastic pollution is a transboundary social/economic/environmental issue which makes this prospective instrument such a big deal as well as very challenging to finalise

10:46 AM

Hehehe yes. The idea was to finish by this year, but will all the blockers, we may not get it in 2024. This is fine though. We'd rather have a slight delay and compromise on timeline, as opposed to compromising on substance of the text and getting an ineffective treaty without the right provisions.

very important add. It's better to get a strong treaty with high common minimum standard rather than a weak treaty that the oil producers like, that is, the lowest common denominator

Jun 20 10:46 AM

hello. may we know how can we bring Kuha sa Tingi in our own cities?

We have a report online at act.gp/reuserefill that outlines how we did the whole process. We'd like people to use it as a blueprint to start their own refilling. It depends on where you are, but in NCR we can refer you to where you can get starter kits or other suppliers so you can do refilling on your own.

user avatar for @iyagozum:camprappler.campin.gg
Iya Gozum
Jun 20 10:47 AM

Am curious, what are the provisions in the treaty that were highly contested in previous meetings?

Jun 20 10:48 AM
Iya Gozum

Some say that the global plastics treaty is the biggest agreement daw, if adopted, since the 2015 Paris Agreement...

It'll definitely be a huge step forward in addressing the crisis and it'll contribute rin to climate action and work around protecting biodiversity.

user avatar for @jeegeronimo:camprappler.campin.gg
Jee Y. Geronimo
Jun 20 10:48 AM

Hehehe yes. The idea was to finish by this year, but will all the blockers, we may not get it in 2024. This is fine though. We'd rather have a slight delay and compromise on timeline, as opposed to compromising on substance of the text and getting an ineffective treaty without the right provisions.

Agree, I actually think we might miss a lot of details if we compromise to force an agreement, considering that talks only started last year.

Jun 20 10:49 AM

Yes, it's important not to rush it. Some countries are trying to force this to be done, but thankfully there are ambitious countries rin that are making sure the treaty doesn't fall short.

10:50 AM
Iya Gozum

Am curious, what are the provisions in the treaty that were highly contested in previous meetings?

Reducing plastic production or reduction targets for plastic production is probably the biggest. Countries also contest provisions around restricting problematic plastics.

user avatar for @iyagozum:camprappler.campin.gg
Iya Gozum
Jun 20 10:51 AM

What are problematic plastics? o.O And why is this provision...problematic for some countries? Hehe

Jun 20 10:52 AM

Problematic Plastics is a term introduced by UNEP in the Zero draft text. It essentially implies plastics of high concern or hazardous plastics

Jun 20 10:52 AM

Some of the blocker countries just want this to become some waste management treaty/agreement which isn't what's needed to solve the problem. We can't just keep relying on proper disposal or recycling (and definitely not waste-burning or incineration), because these have been around for decades and haven't done anything to stop the problem from getting worse.

Jun 20 10:52 AM

Hazard based criteria for evaluation of the safety of plastics is what is recommended by scientists

user avatar for @iyagozum:camprappler.campin.gg
Iya Gozum
Jun 20 10:54 AM

Some of the blocker countries just want this to become some waste management treaty/agreement which isn't what's needed to solve the problem. We can't just keep relying on proper disposal or recycling (and definitely not waste-burning or incineration), because these have been around for decades and haven't done anything to stop the problem from getting worse.

If it becomes a "waste management treaty" it stops short of becoming truly...revolutionary :/

Jun 20 10:54 AM

it basically would be a waste of time and resources

10:55 AM

we have enough waste management related policies nationally which have not helped

10:55 AM

imagine expecting a bucket to not spill water when the tap is kept running and the speed of flow keeps increasing

10:56 AM

that's the case of plastic pollution

10:56 AM

So we often hear non-progressive countries saying - "plastic leakage or plastic waste is the problem and not plastic in itself"

10:57 AM

we know plastic IS the problem. it is a toxic material

Jun 20 10:57 AM
Iya Gozum

What are problematic plastics? o.O And why is this provision...problematic for some countries? Hehe

It could mean reducing or stopping the profits for businesses or countries getting rich from fossil fuels and the plastic industry... Sadly, their profit takes precedence over the negative effect ng plastic on people and nature. Pretty much countering the goal of the treaty. 🫠 For us, sachets and many other types of flexible plastic packaging are plastics we need to restrict na.

user avatar for @jeegeronimo:camprappler.campin.gg
Jee Y. Geronimo
Jun 20 10:58 AM

Agree, we need a treaty that addresses the full life cycle of plastics.

Jun 20 10:59 AM

So we often hear non-progressive countries saying - "plastic leakage or plastic waste is the problem and not plastic in itself"

Yes this narrative really drives me nuts. Plastic as a material is THE problem for so many reasons

user avatar for @iyagozum:camprappler.campin.gg
Iya Gozum
Jun 20 11:00 AM

Basically (and as my last question), what are the future developments we should monitor in the next few months/the following year regarding the global plastics treaty?

11:00 AM

(As concerned citizens, advocates, and....journalists covering this issue)

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Kid Orit has joined the channel.Jun 20 11:01 AM
Jun 20 11:04 AM

In August there will be intersessional work that will cover different areas and there will be country-led initiatives to come up with different positions and technical documents leading up to INC-5 in Busan.

Concerned citizens and the media should follow the discussions around reduction of plastic production, problematic plastics, hazardous chemicals and circularity (which includes reuse and refill). They need to help get more people to monitor the progress and raise awareness around the issue.

Jun 20 11:04 AM
Iya Gozum

Basically (and as my last question), what are the future developments we should monitor in the next few months/the following year regarding the global plastics treaty?

The politics is really the key factor at this stage in what happens next. We saw clearly the global north and south divide in last INC which would pave way in the days to come.
Intersessional meetings (these are meetings between two INCs) will take place on two issues as agreed - financial mechanism and chemicals + polymers of concern. Civil society is not included in these which is a big concern for us. We are trying to advocate for our inclusion as rightsholders and partners. Media can play a big role in amplifying this exclusion (access has been a historical issue with INCs). The outcome of these intersessional meetings will go into informing INC5 in busan which is the first INC in Asia so a big moment for us to highlight the historical injustices through waste colonialism and industry pollution on our lands and water but also showcase our Zero Waste solutions

Jun 20 11:05 AM

Vital rin that you engage people on the right or genuine solutions -whether that's reuse, refill or reduction - so that we don't see countries promoting harmful technologies (like waste-to-energy, refuse-derived-fuel, incineration, etc).

Jun 20 11:05 AM

The politics is really the key factor at this stage in what happens next. We saw clearly the global north and south divide in last INC which would pave way in the days to come. Intersessional meetings (these are meetings between two INCs) will take place on two issues as agreed - financial mechanism and chemicals + polymers of concern. Civil society is not included in these which is a big concern for us. We are trying to advocate for our inclusion as rightsholders and partners. Media can play a big role in amplifying this exclusion (access has been a historical issue with INCs). The outcome of these intersessional meetings will go into informing INC5 in busan which is the first INC in Asia so a big moment for us to highlight the historical injustices through waste colonialism and industry pollution on our lands and water but also showcase our Zero Waste solutions

user avatar for @iyagozum:camprappler.campin.gg
Iya Gozum
Jun 20 11:05 AM

Right! We'll be sure to follow and cover the developments so more people get engaged. And to heighten pressure too!

user avatar for @jeegeronimo:camprappler.campin.gg
Jee Y. Geronimo
Jun 20 11:06 AM

In August there will be intersessional work that will cover different areas and there will be country-led initiatives to come up with different positions and technical documents leading up to INC-5 in Busan. Concerned citizens and the media should follow the discussions around reduction of plastic production, problematic plastics, hazardous chemicals and circularity (which includes reuse and refill). They need to help get more people to monitor the progress and raise awareness around the issue.

Noted re: media following the discussions :D

user avatar for @iyagozum:camprappler.campin.gg
Iya Gozum
Jun 20 11:06 AM

It's high time we have a global treaty on a problem we've known for so long

Jun 20 11:06 AM

concept note on intersessional work

user avatar for @jeegeronimo:camprappler.campin.gg
Jee Y. Geronimo
Jun 20 11:07 AM

Important point, definitely, that Asia is hosting INC-5

Jun 20 11:07 AM


Jun 20 11:07 AM

Yes! Media and the informing the general public is so important. Otherwise, people may not know what's happening even though they are directly impacted by all this. At the same time, media helps expose the truths and fact checks claims.

11:08 AM

Remember plastic is everywhere, including in our bodies, it is not a future problem. It is an urgent issue and we as well as our generations are going to be affected by the fate of this treaty.

Jun 20 11:08 AM

The difference with COP and the GPT is that more people are aware and engaged around COPs, but GPT hindi pa as familiar or popular, so sometimes countries countering the treaty or the right provisions can get away with the worst.

user avatar for @iyagozum:camprappler.campin.gg
Iya Gozum
Jun 20 11:09 AM

More coverage = more transparency. Hopefully!

Jun 20 11:09 AM

Climate COP could create impact only after young people joined in and generated pressure

11:09 AM

Remember Greta Thunberg

user avatar for @iyagozum:camprappler.campin.gg
Iya Gozum
Jun 20 11:09 AM

Thank you so much @Marian and @Arpita for sharing your insights on this issue!! Hoping to talk to you more as we follow the developments in this treaty :)

Jun 20 11:09 AM

We need to make plastics treaty that moment to mobilize our youth and our people everywhere

user avatar for @iyagozum:camprappler.campin.gg
Iya Gozum
Jun 20 11:10 AM

Thank you too to all those who joined the chat!

user avatar for @jeegeronimo:camprappler.campin.gg
Jee Y. Geronimo
Jun 20 11:10 AM

We will definitely tap into your expertise as we follow this issue closely @Marian @Arpita thank you for joining us tonight! :)

Jun 20 11:10 AM

Salamat po!

Jun 20 11:10 AM

Thanks for inviting us to chat about the treaty. Excited to have more people following and engaging others around this.

user avatar for @iyagozum:camprappler.campin.gg
Iya Gozum
Jun 20 11:10 AM

Maybe in November, we can have you as guests for a Green Report show? :) Hehe

Jun 20 11:11 AM

Feel free to send questions to Greenpeace Philippines if you're curious about the GPT or follow our channels for more info.

Jun 20 11:11 AM

Some work always leads to more work haha. Have a good evening everyone. thank you for listening

11:11 AM

My email address: arpita@no-burn.org

11:11 AM

Plastic Free July is around the corner so expect lots of action from us!

user avatar for @iyagozum:camprappler.campin.gg
Iya Gozum
Jun 20 11:11 AM

Thank you everyone!

Jun 20 11:11 AM
Iya Gozum

Maybe in November, we can have you as guests for a Green Report show? :) Hehe

Yeah, would be happy to. We can also send materials like photos, videos and updates from INC-5. Just let us know.

Jun 20 11:12 AM

so much material that you would hate us :P

Jun 20 11:12 AM

hahaha true.

Jun 20 11:12 AM


user avatar for @iyagozum:camprappler.campin.gg
Iya Gozum
Jun 20 11:12 AM

Hahaha not a problem for us!

user avatar for @jeegeronimo:camprappler.campin.gg
Jee Y. Geronimo
Jun 20 11:13 AM

For those interested to learn more about the global plastic pollution treaty @here, you can check our discussion above, and let's continue talking about this important issue in this channel!

Jun 20 11:13 AM

Have a great night, Arpita and everyone here. ❤️

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Heinrich, Dara Castro and Grace alvarez joined the channel.
user avatar for @patriciakahanap:camprappler.campin.gg
Patricia Kahanap
Jun 21 08:39 AM

Happy Friday, everyone! How's your week so far? I hope you're having a good one!

08:40 AM

Activists from Just Stop Oil spray-painted private jets at an airport in England, where Taylor Swift’s jet was *parked* ahead of her London concert.

The group is advocating for an emergency treaty to end fossil fuels by 2030.

What do you think of this, @here?


Rappler News
Jun 21 11:00 AM

Marcos gov’t cuts tariffs on imported rice from 35% to 15%
NEDA Secretary Arsenio Balisacan first disclosed about this plan in early June, saying the move 'aims to lower the price of rice further and make it more affordable'

Read the full article here:

11:00 AM
Rappler News

Marcos gov’t cuts tariffs on imported rice from 35% to 15% NEDA Secretary Arsenio Balisacan first disclosed about this plan in early June, saying the move 'aims to lower the price of rice further and make it more affordable' Read the full article here: https://www.rappler.com/business/marcos-jr-government-cuts-tariffs-imported-rice-june-2024/

How do you feel about the Philippine government lowering tariffs on imported rice?

😃 - I'm happy! Lower rice prices will benefit consumers.
😐 - I'm neutral. I need more information to form an opinion.
😡 - I'm upset! It may harm local farmers and the economy.

Rappler News
Jun 21 07:00 PM

Philippines logs first Q fever case, culls infected goats from US
The Bureau of Animal Industry has culled more than five dozen imported goats in a Marinduque facility

Read the full article here:

07:00 PM
Rappler News

Philippines logs first Q fever case, culls infected goats from US The Bureau of Animal Industry has culled more than five dozen imported goats in a Marinduque facility Read the full article here: https://www.rappler.com/philippines/first-q-fever-case-june-21-2024/

How do you feel about the first case of Q fever in the Philippines?

😬 - Worried about the spread of the disease
😱 - Shocked by the news
🤔 - Curious to learn more about Q fever and its implications

user avatar for @galileo:camprappler.campin.gg
Jun 22 04:16 AM
Rappler News

Marcos gov’t cuts tariffs on imported rice from 35% to 15% NEDA Secretary Arsenio Balisacan first disclosed about this plan in early June, saying the move 'aims to lower the price of rice further and make it more affordable' Read the full article here: https://www.rappler.com/business/marcos-jr-government-cuts-tariffs-imported-rice-june-2024/

Tariffs are a burden to us consumers. While it may protect some 3 million rice farmers, the entire country is carrying the burden of higher rice prices. We should find a way to compete with rice imports instead of artificial barriers like tariffs.

Rappler News
Jun 23 08:00 PM

Armyworms ravage 177 hectares of farmland in Negros Occidental
Local experts blame El Niño for the infestation due to unpredictable weather and weakened crops

Read the full article here:

08:00 PM
Rappler News

Armyworms ravage 177 hectares of farmland in Negros Occidental Local experts blame El Niño for the infestation due to unpredictable weather and weakened crops Read the full article here: https://www.rappler.com/philippines/visayas/armyworm-infestation-farmlands-negros-occidental-june-2024/

How do you feel about the armyworm infestation affecting farmlands in Negros Occidental?

😢 - Sad for the affected farmers and their crops
😡 - Angry at the impact on food security and livelihoods
😮 - Surprised by the scale of the infestation

Laurice Angeles
Jun 24 01:17 PM

Hello! Sharing here some photos I took in an exhibit at the New York Public Library. The exhibit was called "The Awe of the Arctic: A Visual History." There were many books displayed that documented flora and fauna in the Arctic. It was so cool; it was a mix of history and science. One of my favorites was a photo depicting a voyager getting eaten by a polar bear – all events in one frame.

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Angela Ballerda has joined the channel.Jun 25 01:03 AM
user avatar for @jeegeronimo:camprappler.campin.gg
Jee Y. Geronimo
Jun 26 04:40 AM
Laurice Angeles

Hello! Sharing here some photos I took in an exhibit at the New York Public Library. The exhibit was called "The Awe of the Arctic: A Visual History." There were many books displayed that documented flora and fauna in the Arctic. It was so cool; it was a mix of history and science. One of my favorites was a photo depicting a voyager getting eaten by a polar bear – all events in one frame.

@Laurice Angeles Interesting! Based on a true story ba yung photo haha

Rappler News
Jun 26 08:00 PM

Traveling ‘Biodiversity Crisis Escape Room’ moves to Palawan
The USAID-funded 'Biodiversity Crisis Escape Room,' where participants must solve biodiversity puzzles and challenges before they can exit the room, will be in Puerto Princesa City, Palawan, from June 29 to 30

Read the full article here:

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rlamancio has joined the channel.Jun 27 02:38 PM
user avatar for @russellcku:camprappler.campin.gg
Russell Ku
Jun 28 02:05 AM

@here From @Iya Gozum:

Here are scenes of the last preparations before Philippine eagles Carlito & Uswag are released in Leyte on Friday, June 28. They had checkups, then had GPS trackers installed on their backs.

Their release means a reintroduction of the species in Leyte where sightings of the raptor died down after Yolanda.

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Alex P has joined the channel.Jun 28 05:05 AM
user avatar for @patriciakahanap:camprappler.campin.gg
Patricia Kahanap
Jun 28 06:32 AM
Russell Ku

@here From @Iya Gozum: Here are scenes of the last preparations before Philippine eagles Carlito & Uswag are released in Leyte on Friday, June 28. They had checkups, then had GPS trackers installed on their backs. Their release means a reintroduction of the species in Leyte where sightings of the raptor died down after Yolanda.

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Rappler News
Jun 28 03:00 PM

Bornean elephants endangered due to human activity, wildlife experts say
'It's a small population, and it could easily disappear if we just let development happen without any conservation actions,' says Craig Hilton-Taylor, head of the IUCN Red List Unit

Read the full article here:

03:00 PM
Rappler News

Bornean elephants endangered due to human activity, wildlife experts say 'It's a small population, and it could easily disappear if we just let development happen without any conservation actions,' says Craig Hilton-Taylor, head of the IUCN Red List Unit Read the full article here: https://www.rappler.com/environment/nature/bornean-elephants-endangered-june-28-2024/

What do you think are the most effective conservation efforts to protect endangered Bornean elephants in the face of human activities and development?

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Crystal has joined the channel.Jun 29 07:31 AM
Rappler News
Jun 30 12:00 AM

Some Vietnam coffee farms thrive despite drought, but may not stop espresso price hikes
Vietnam is the world's top producer of robusta beans, the variety most commonly found in espressos and instant coffees

Read the full article here:

12:00 AM
Rappler News

Some Vietnam coffee farms thrive despite drought, but may not stop espresso price hikes Vietnam is the world's top producer of robusta beans, the variety most commonly found in espressos and instant coffees Read the full article here: https://www.rappler.com/business/vietnam-coffee-farms-drought-espresso-price-hikes-2024/

How do you feel about the impact of the drought on Vietnamese coffee production?

😞 - Sad about the impact on coffee production
😄 - Positive about the clever countermeasures taken by farmers
😮 - Surprised by the potential rise in coffee prices globally

Laurice Angeles
Jun 30 12:25 PM

Hello! Already posted the top environment stories for June! #TheGreenReport Check them here in our bulletin board :) https://communities.rappler.com/ytUTSmRbUiTCeeZEWA/mvUzaMfhCdhafjnpCT/board/168

Rappler News
Jun 30 02:00 PM

In Case You Missed It: Did you know that a total of 663 farmers from 40 villages in nine local government units of Negros Occidental have been affected by the fall armyworm infestation, which has already spread to cities like Himamaylan and Kabankalan?

Read the full article here:

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Alex Rivera has joined the channel.Jul 01 08:01 AM
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Kevin has joined the channel.Jul 03 08:54 AM
Rappler News
Jul 03 05:00 PM

Philippine diving town swaps trash for rice to clean up its beaches
Since the rice-for-trash program of Mabini, Batangas began nearly two years ago, more than 4.3 metric tons of plastic waste have been collected, while 2.6 tons of rice have been distributed

Read the full article here:

05:00 PM
Rappler News

Philippine diving town swaps trash for rice to clean up its beaches Since the rice-for-trash program of Mabini, Batangas began nearly two years ago, more than 4.3 metric tons of plastic waste have been collected, while 2.6 tons of rice have been distributed Read the full article here: https://www.rappler.com/environment/philippine-diving-town-swaps-trash-rice-clean-up-beaches/

How do you feel about the rice-for-trash program in Mabini, Philippines?

❤️ - I think it's a great initiative to clean up the environment and help the community.
🌊 - I feel concerned about the amount of plastic waste affecting marine life in the area.
🍚 - I believe it's a creative way to address both environmental and social issues.

Rappler News
Jul 04 02:00 PM

Farmers’ groups want TRO vs EO 62, reduction in rice tariffs
Under Executive Order 62, the Philippine government cut rice tariffs from 35% to 15% in a bid to lower prices of the food staple, among others

Read the full article here:

Rappler News
Jul 06 11:00 AM

Environmental issues the Marcos gov’t faced in second year in office
From environmental defender killings to the illegal Chocolate Hills structures, here are the environmental issues that the Marcos administration faced in its second year in office

Read the full article here:

11:00 AM
Rappler News

Environmental issues the Marcos gov’t faced in second year in office From environmental defender killings to the illegal Chocolate Hills structures, here are the environmental issues that the Marcos administration faced in its second year in office Read the full article here: https://www.rappler.com/environment/issues-marcos-jr-administration-year-2/

How do you feel about President Ferdinand Marcos Jr.'s handling of environmental issues in his second year as chief executive?

😕 - Disappointed with the response to environmental crises
🌿 - Appreciative of emphasis on environmental priorities
🚫 - Concerned about lack of concrete action on environmental issues

Rappler News
Jul 06 06:00 PM

Filipino scientists lead cultivation of sea cucumbers in coastal areas
Due to the demand for these luxury food delicacies, sea cucumber fisheries suffered from a boom and bust in the mid-1990s, says marine scientist Marie Antonette Juinio-Meñez

Read the full article here:

06:00 PM
Rappler News

Filipino scientists lead cultivation of sea cucumbers in coastal areas Due to the demand for these luxury food delicacies, sea cucumber fisheries suffered from a boom and bust in the mid-1990s, says marine scientist Marie Antonette Juinio-Meñez Read the full article here: https://www.rappler.com/environment/filipino-scientists-lead-cultivation-sea-cucumbers-coastal-areas/

How do you feel about the efforts to restock sandfish and engage coastal communities in Pangasinan?

😊 - I feel optimistic about the conservation efforts!
😮 - I am intrigued by the sea ranching approach.
😞 - I am concerned about the decline of sea cucumbers and its impact.

user avatar for @paterno:camprappler.campin.gg
Paterno Esmaquel II
Jul 08 09:00 AM

Hello envi chat room! We're having a brief convo in the 🛐 faith chat room about the Catholic Bishops' Conference of the Philippines (CBCP) plenary assembly that concluded today - and that tackled a number of issues related to ecology. We're speaking with @Rodne Galicha, executive director of Living Laudato Si' Philippines, from 5 to 5:20 pm today. See you there!

user avatar for @paterno:camprappler.campin.gg
Paterno Esmaquel II
Jul 08 12:00 PM

Sharing this story with you - on CBCP speaking out on the environment: https://www.rappler.com/philippines/report-catholic-bishops-donations-mining-companies-cbcp/

Rappler News
Jul 08 09:00 PM

In Case You Missed It: Did you know that the Catholic Bishops' Conference of the Philippines (CBCP) urged Filipinos to report bishops who accept donations from mining companies? This is part of the Catholic Church's commitment to reject donations from firms that harm the environment.

Read the full article here:

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Weng has joined the channel.Jul 08 10:24 PM
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user avatar for @iyagozum:camprappler.campin.gg
Iya Gozum
Jul 09 07:57 AM

Hi all! Some good news? Philippines is now host country for the loss and damage fund. This is the fund that would help vulnerable countries (like us...) weather the adverse impacts of climate change.

07:57 AM

Trying to get more details now from concerned PH officials :)

Rodne Galicha
Jul 09 08:20 AM

Thanks Iya! Since the Philippines is not only championing loss and damage issues but is also experiencing and will experiences more loss and damages if parties are not able to take genuine action and deliver finance. We very well know that ST Yolanda experience strengthened the resolve to adopt the Warsaw International Mechanism on Loss and Damage in 2013.

08:22 AM

The Philippines being the host will remind the board of the reason why it is created.

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user avatar for @jeegeronimo:camprappler.campin.gg
Jee Y. Geronimo
Jul 10 05:04 AM

@Rodne Galicha What's next for us after this development re: the Philippines' hosting of the Board?

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Vinevine has joined the channel.Jul 10 05:22 AM
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Rain has joined the channel.Jul 11 02:02 PM
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Rappler News
Jul 13 07:00 PM

In Case You Missed It: Did you know Hollywood actor Leonardo DiCaprio showed support for Masungi Georeserve, calling on Philippine President Ferdinand Marcos Jr. to protect the area? The Department of Environment and Natural Resources issued a statement in response, emphasizing that 'no one is exempt from the law.'

Read the full article here:

Laurice Angeles
Jul 14 09:07 AM
Jee Y. Geronimo

@Laurice Angeles Interesting! Based on a true story ba yung photo haha

yes! hahaha

09:09 AM

Welcome to the environment and science chat room! Happy Sunday 🥰 @Vinevine @Rain @Jean Dee @Ken Anthony excited to hear your thoughts on several topics here :)

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Patricia Kahanap
Today, 10 mins ago


According to the United Nations, the average consumer in the 21st century buys 60% more pieces of clothing compared to 20 years ago, no thanks to the era of fast fashion – which is responsible for between 2% and 8% of greenhouse gas emissions worldwide.

How do you put together a killer outfit without killing the environment? Join our conversation @here with @Jean Dee on Thursday, July 18. See you!