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Marilou Fernando and Dun Concha Abiera joined the channel.
Saje Miguel Molato
Jun 27 02:37 PM

One of the biggest challenges facing the Philippines today is the lack of youth engagement and participation in our political and governance processes. I've seen firsthand how this disengagement breeds apathy and perpetuates outdated systems. However, I also believe that we, young people of the Philippines, have the power to change this narrative. As digital natives, we can harness the power of technology to revolutionize civic engagement. Imagine developing mobile apps that educate young voters, creating online forums where we can debate policy issues, and launching social media campaigns to raise awareness about the causes we care about. By making civic participation more accessible and engaging through technology, we can inspire our peers to take an active role in shaping our democracy. We can't just sit on the sidelines—we need to actively advocate for our place at the decision-making table. This means lobbying for policies that lower the age of candidacy, establishing youth advisory councils, and even running for office ourselves. When young people have a voice in government, we can ensure that our concerns are heard and our ideas are considered. Public-private partnerships are another powerful tool we can utilize. Through my work with Siklab Pilipinas, I've seen firsthand how collaboration between the government, private sector, and young people can lead to incredible outcomes. We can work together to create internship programs, mentorship opportunities, and youth-led initiatives that address our communities' most pressing needs. These partnerships not only empower young people but also bridge the gap between government and citizens, fostering a more inclusive and participatory democracy. We need more young people to not only work in government but to work with government.

Dun Concha Abiera
Jun 27 02:40 PM


One significant challenge facing Filipinos, particularly the youth, is the pervasive issue of gender-based violence and cyberbullying. As a transwoman who was victim of gender-based violence and cyberbullying myself, I understand firsthand the devastating impact these experiences can have on individuals and communities. The youth, being at the forefront of technological movements and online activism, have a unique opportunity to address these issues and create positive change.

The youth should prioritize fostering safe spaces for victims of gender-based violence and cyberbullying to share their experiences and seek support. By promoting empathy and understanding, we can create a culture of respect and kindness online. Additionally, we must work to enhance Media and Information Literacy (MIL) among youth, empowering them to critically evaluate online content and combat misinformation.

Collaboration among all stakeholders—government, institutions, and individuals—is crucial in this endeavor. However, it is essential to recognize the unique perspectives that youth bring to the table. By engaging with youth as equal partners, we can harness their creativity and passion to drive meaningful change in our communities.

The youth should engage in and promote peer-led MIL education programs that specifically address gender-based violence and cyberbullying. By leveraging social media and online platforms, we can amplify our voices and raise awareness about these critical issues. Moreover, collaborating with educational institutions to integrate MIL into the curriculum can help ensure that future generations are equipped with the necessary skills to navigate the digital world safely and responsibly.

Taking these proactive steps, Filipino youth can and will make a significant impact in the fight against gender-based violence and cyberbullying, creating a safer, more inclusive digital world for all.

Jun 27 02:45 PM


As a youth leader, one of the common problem that the youth are facing now is community engagement. It is indeed hard to solve issues like this because it requires diversity, inclusion, and collaborative efforts. To solve this problem, one should take initiative to step up and be the change that the community need. We should engage and be aware of the social issues that the community is currently facing. With this, we can ensure that the community will have a better future ahead.

Marilou Fernando
Jun 27 02:46 PM

ONE YOUNG WORLD ENTRY _ Since I am involved in the youth ministry at our parish, I believe I can help address the mental health issues of young people through my service. Many would say that "faith" and "hope" are not powerful enough to combat mental health issues. While religion may not be a major weapon in fighting mental health challenges, it can significantly lessen someone's struggles. When we have faith, we hope. When we hope, we have faith. When we believe, we overcome. A simple gathering at the church or in the community could have a significant impact on someone's perspective on life. I believe that if many young people get involved in service at the church and in the community, they will see a difference in their lives. They will realize that their lives are not wasted when they volunteer to help others. This involvement will benefit their well-being, helping them recognize that life is beautiful, even when it is difficult. Through faith and hope for a better future, and by doing things for others, they will see that they matter and that they exist.

Jun 27 02:49 PM


In a Rappler report last December 2023, the Department of Education announced the poor performance of students based on the 2022 PISA results. The Filipino students were a five- to six-year lag in learning competencies in the country. As someone at the grassroots level, we can testify that the statement is factual. That’s why, as the co-founder of U Lead Pilipinas youth-serving organization, we believe in the power of education as a solution to empower the next generation of Bulakeños. Most of our members are young professionals and college students who always lend a helping hand to this advocacy. We adopted the Bayan Ko, Titser Ko program. The program is a three-month reading literacy session for Grade 1 non-readers in selected public elementary schools under the Department of Education. The program aims to address the gaps in reading comprehension through the various learning modules. Through a collective impact framework, Angat Buhay, U Lead Pilipinas, La Consolacion University Philippines, and the Department of Education – Bulakan District join hands to raise the reading levels of at least 80% of the identified non-readers in Grade 1 by the end of the program. We also value the essential role of the family; that’s why we will reinforce the parents and guardians in their children’s learning progress through values formation and skills development. Lastly, we invited the local government and private sectors to be part of the community’s responsibility in supporting every child’s learning. Our education program will strengthen the shared commitment to shape the youth today to become productive and active citizens of tomorrow.

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Ferth Manaysay, ian lee and Ericka joined the channel.
Jun 27 02:57 PM


One thing the youth have been increasingly good at is creating space where they see fit. Possibilities are endless when empowerment is coupled intent. With this, I believe the youth play pivotal roles in community development and grassroots solutions-building. Beyond this, using personal narrative to spark change.

The youth recognize the success of collective action. We’ve seen youth organizations take over during the pandemic: spearheading community-wide activities, fundraisers, etc. When enough young people demand for change, it’s quite difficult to break that momentum. We’re able to capitalize on the power of being young and reckless with our dreams. That ability to dream for a better future for their fellow Filipinos is unique to inspired youth, and creates ripples of change when acted upon. 

Jun 27 02:58 PM


“Ang dami mong alam” are words we often hear told to the Filipino youth. We know how to maximize the use of our laptops and phones. We know the features of all the social media apps and the trends going on. We know the issues going around in our communities and in the world because of the hashtags we trend. We are taught how to distinguish facts from fake news. We know all these better than the older generation Madaming alam ang kabataang Pilipino.

This is a powerful tool we have against the Philippines’ problem in the rampant fake news that are victimizing many Filipinos especially from the older generation. We can conduct free viewings of documentaries that combats disinformation that also incorporates discussion of insights and experiences of the viewers and knowledgeable facilitators. This has been conducted several times by our organization and had been successful. We can also educate others how to determine facts from fake news through programs in schools, communities, or even through social media. Simple ways as well such as bringing these discussions at home with our families, the most basic unit of society, can be a small yet impactful step that enlightens others. We can also strategize how to better utilize our social media apps from reporting circulating fake news posts to disseminating crucial information regarding issues.

We may not be able to control those who spread fake news, but the Filipino youth can help equip our fellow Filipinos how to distinguish facts from false information and emphasize truth over made-up narratives.

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Christine Y. Larce and J.E joined the channel.
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Cess G
Jun 27 03:07 PM

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03:08 PM

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Alyssa Faith A. Gonzales has joined the channel.Jun 27 03:09 PM
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Cess G
Jun 27 03:09 PM

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Kim Villaflores
Jun 27 03:10 PM


After realizing how prevalent violence is against women and children, I decided to take a closer look at Sustainable Development Goal #16 and concentrate on advocating for it. This goal calls for the creation of inclusive, accountable, and peaceful societies as well as universal access to justice and the development of inclusive, functional institutions at all levels of society. By involving themselves in subjects that will undoubtedly help those whose rights were infringed, young people can take the lead in addressing issues of this nature and coming up with solutions:


1.     Youth-led Information Dissemination about VAWC and SGD through forums and orientations in the community can help individuals specifically the victims of violence become more aware of these topics and more equipped to respond appropriately in the event of an unfortunate circumstance. By being aware of their rights through various channels, individuals will have the courage to speak up for themselves and seek assistance from authorities without fear.


2.     Youth should have a representative from the government since they are recognized for being straightforward in expressing their needs and desires. Young leaders really make better decisions and policies than traditional politicians. The younger generation is in favor of a sound government that can address every issue impacting the various sectors and its is necessary to strengthen advocacy and impact policy.


3.  Understanding other people's perspectives and considering whether they contribute to the answer are essential components of critical thinking. A single click can spread a healthy discourse to thousands or even millions of people, especially on social media. Posting about current events can compel individuals to act, feel, and think anew. This is going to have a cascading effect which may serve as a foundation for intervening in circumstances where people are drowning.



Krisandra Serafica
Jun 27 03:10 PM


My mother has always instilled in me that I may be as small as a drop in the ocean, but my dreams could be as big as the entire ocean. There are no limits to my dreams, so I might as well dream as high as I can.

Growing up, I saw how these words do not apply to only me, but also to the young generation of curious Filipino scientists and students. As an aspiring STEM professional who graduated from a public science high school, I witnessed firsthand how promising the minds of passionate students are. Despite being limited by their young age, resources, and skills, high school and college research in the Philippines would still aim to solve the biggest problems in the world using their creativity, passion, and dedication to make a change.

However, one may be curious on why the research productivity of institutions in Philippines has remained low throughout the years, even with the promising generations of youth—we have seen in our generation the first Filipino, Hilary Andales, to ever win the prestigious Breakthrough Junior Challenge by discussing the Theory of Relativity and Equivalence of References, and other young scientists winning in various international competitions like Dr. Christopher Manalo, who recently won at the International Conference on Emergency Medicine in the Netherlands.

According to Jason Tan Liwag, as quoted by a Rappler article on the state of the research in the Philippines, “it seems that to be a scientist in the Philippines, you must take a vow of poverty and enter a system rigged against you.” The dehumanizing condition of research in the Philippines has pushed many scientists to pursue ventures in other countries. Research is not a priority in the country as it remains as an underfunded field and even unrespected by some politicians.


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Cess G
Jun 27 03:10 PM

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Krisandra Serafica
Jun 27 03:10 PM


With this, I believe that the youth could change the stage of science and research in the country with the sufficient support from the government. The curious and creative minds must not be silenced. The government must provide more science education programs and scholarships to the youth and allot adequate funds to institutions and incentives to researchers to boost productivity in research. After all, many problems in the Philippines could be solved with science—food insecurity, pollution, climate change, and transportation. Even traffic could be solved by mathematics and data science. These could be solved when we let the youth flourish with enough resources.

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Jose Fernando Magno and Golda Rebollido joined the channel.
Christine Y. Larce
Jun 27 03:14 PM


“What can I do? All I can do is be online.”

The harsh repercussions of the pandemic continue today. Students face challenges like needing supplies for their classes, and mid-range workers meet financial crises. I saw that people were struggling, and I cared.

With my skills and passion to support SDG 1 – No Poverty, I dreamed. I want to create something caring and life-changing with a simple tap of sharing on social media platforms. A platform that serves as a social media amplifier for citizens in need of help or support in financial or medical aspects. A platform that will serve as a helping hand to those students who need a load allowance for their online classes. A platform consisting of young leaders sharing a common goal of serving the greater good of the community. With these underlying visions, Trisha, Emman, and I founded ONE SHARE ONE CARE on August 1, 2021. One Share One Care is a community initiative that serves as a social media amplifier for citizens in need of financial support, load allowance, and other necessities and services.

Being the Executive Director of One Share One Care aided me in developing a compassionate servant leadership experience through helping other people in our little ways – to share and to care. Over the past three years, we were able to assist over 50 cases and implement major projects. One of these projects was "Gifts for the Gifted," where we gave gifts to 60 children with special needs and disabilities in Tabaco City, Albay. Another project we implemented was "Bayanihan Para sa Kababayan" (in collaboration with Bicol University UNESCO Club), a nationwide donation drive for victims of Typhoon Odette, where we were able to financially aid 35 residents of Abehilan San Isidro, Bohol. Additionally, "Ayuda Para sa Estudyante" was an initiative that provided less privileged students in our area in Albay with educational supplies garnered from private companies.


03:15 PM

We were just three friends who started that initiative and who would have thought, we helped almost 50 cases, and implemented almost major projects, that transform the lives of the people?

Youth can do something: "To care for people in need by sharing."

We, as youth, are driven to be change agents and inspire others to help their community. Through our envisioned initiatives, youth have the power to create meaningful projects that benefit the community and the less privileged. To support those in need, youth have the power to empower networks, secure funding, and gain volunteers. Becoming part of a community that helps another community broadens connections, exchanges best practices with fellow youth leaders, and better serves our community. Driven by life purpose, I believe that youth can positively impact the community with these attained skills and passion to serve the less privileged. If we can do it, others can do it too.

03:15 PM


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Joshua Van has joined the channel.Jun 27 03:20 PM
user avatar for @healthforall_cess:camprappler.campin.gg
Cess G
Jun 27 03:20 PM

“Bakit namatay si Rosario?”is the question that I & generations of Filipino doctors were first asked on pursuing an education in medicine. From when it was written in 1982,“Ang Kwento ni Rosario”was used to spark discussion on the social determinants of health. Always,when talking about Rosario,a child who suffered complications from measles,the discussion would bring out themes such as poverty,malnutrition,lack of education,& healthcare inequity.  Simply put,Rosario died from the circumstances of her own short life.


We all know the story of Rosario or some version of it. “Rosario” has died more than a million times over in the interim. What can we do about it?


(1) Education is one powerful tool to harness.Through health education programs in schools& communities,we can raise awareness about health issues.Technology can also be leveraged to spread awareness & encourage participation in advocating for healthcare equity.
(2) Collective action through advocacy and campaigns can work to mobilize public support& improve healthcare access for marginalized communities. This can include volunteer work in local clinics, nonprofits, international organizations& global initiatives that work to improve access to healthcare. Collaboration can build networks for the exchange of ideas, mentorship& sharing of best practices so as to amplify our own individual efforts.

 (3) Political engagement is crucial. As young leaders, we must ensure representation& inclusion of the youth in health policy. We must push for legislative change that ensures equal access to healthcare& protects the rights of the marginalized.

 (4) Beyond these, pursuing careers in healthcare that directly contribute to its improvement, despite being unglamorous, is wholly rewarding.


Together, there may one day be a chance to rewrite a version of Rosario’s story – one where she survives, lives to reach her potential & becomes a productive and responsible member of society.


Joshua Van
Jun 27 03:20 PM

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ian lee
Jun 27 03:22 PM

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Jun 27 03:23 PM

ONE YOUNG WORLD ENTRY LEADERSHIP. If the youth can, this nation will. I believe every young individual in our country is capable of not only making a change for the future, but also becoming the transformation that our nation is needing today. If only our nation leaders and even just the adults are letting the voices of the youth be heard, or better if they are making the youth lead, I believe that we can have a nation where inclusivity is more visible, and projects that uplift the morale of the community is becoming more tangible. By continuing my platform, educating the youth through our Leadership Development Program or Youth Volunteer Formation Course, day by day, we are having more youth whose skills and capabilities can be used in greater purposes, and helping them become the better or even the best verion of leaders that they are in their respective schools, councils, or communities. If we have more youth leaders, this nation will be having a brighter today and tomorrow as the youth will no longer just wait, but begin movements that raise awareness among youth and all other ages, and create projects that would benefit every Filipino citizen. Let us help our fellow youth to discover and develop the leadershipsin them, because we can. And if the youth can, this nation will.

ian lee
Jun 27 03:24 PM


I believe that one critical problem affecting Filipinos that I think the youth can solve is the deficient knowledge or ignorance about environmental conservation and sustainability, particularly in the context of Climate Action (SDG 13). 

The Philippines, as an archipelago, directly experiences the effects of climate change. As visible as it is, the heat index continuously rises and strong typhoons continuously hit the country. The Filipinos, especially those marginalized, bear the brunt of these consequences and repercussions. 

I am a firm believer that in order to collect the Filipinos to be up in arms in this advocacy is through environmental education and initiatives. We can take steps such as educational campaigns specific for solid waste management. Part of the campaign could be Educational tours at dumpsites, sanitary landfills, and material recovery facilities, wherein students could experience firsthand the process of their waste. To achieve this, forging partnerships with the government, local Non-Government Organizations (NGOs), and businesses is a significant step.

Filipino youth can play a pivotal role in advancing climate action and environmental sustainability in the Philippines. Their collective efforts can lead to tangible improvements in resilience to climate change impacts and contribute to achieving SDG 13 targets on a local and national scale.

Ferth Manaysay
Jun 27 03:26 PM

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Jasper Vijar has joined the channel.Jun 27 03:27 PM
Ferth Manaysay
Jun 27 03:29 PM



One significant problem affecting Filipinos is climate change. The Filipino youth have an unprecedented potential to address this issue through their roles as mobilizers, educators, and policymakers.


First, young people can serve as mobilizers and convergence builders. They can form alliances within and between generations, leveraging their familiarity with public, private, and online spaces. This enables them to communicate the urgency of just climate actions, mobilize communities, hold power structures accountable, and foster open conversations about sustainable development.


Second, youth can be effective educators and influencers. Their ability to quickly adopt innovative and progressive ideas makes them ideal for promoting sustainable practices. They can influence not just their peers but also parents, communities, political leaders, and businesses, showcasing the powerful voice of youth as climate advocates.


Third, the youth can engage in policymaking, project development, and implementation. They can co-design policies and programs that accelerate climate goals while ensuring inclusivity. By participating in these processes, they help shape the trajectory towards a sustainable future.


To maximize youth contributions, it is crucial to listen to their perspectives and respond to their needs. Engaging them through skill-sharing sessions, webinars, and mentoring programs helps them find their space in the climate movement. Encouraging innovation and creativity by connecting youth with stakeholders and providing platforms for support is essential. Notably, empowering youth means ensuring they have a voice in critical conversations and access to places of influence. Civil society, government, private sector, and academia must collaborate to support the Filipino youth in pushing for aggressive actions and high-level policies to meet climate targets. Through these steps, the youth can significantly contribute to climate action in the Philippines.

Golda Rebollido
Jun 27 03:29 PM


ian lee
Jun 27 03:30 PM


I believe that one critical problem affecting Filipinos that I think the youth can solve is the deficient knowledge or ignorance about environmental conservation and sustainability, particularly in the context of Climate Action (SDG 13).

The Philippines, as an archipelago, directly experiences the effects of climate change. As visible as it is, the heat index continuously rises and strong typhoons continuously hit the country. The Filipinos, especially those marginalized, bear the brunt of these consequences and repercussions.

I am a firm believer that in order to collect the Filipinos to be up in arms in this advocacy is through environmental education and initiatives. We can take steps such as educational campaigns specific for solid waste management. Part of the campaign could be Educational tours at dumpsites, sanitary landfills, and material recovery facilities, wherein students could experience firsthand the process of their waste. To achieve this, forging partnerships with the government, local Non-Government Organizations (NGOs), and businesses is a significant step.

Filipino youth can play a pivotal role in advancing climate action and environmental sustainability in the Philippines. Their collective efforts can lead to tangible improvements in resilience to climate change impacts and contribute to achieving SDG 13 targets on a local and national scale.

Jun 27 03:31 PM


WOMEN PERSONS DEPRIVED OF LIBERTY: The Invisible Marginalized Sector of Society

As of 2022, the Bureau of Corrections (BuCor) reported that there were 48,501 persons deprived of liberty (PDLs) in the Philippines, with women representing a significant portion of this population. Eight out of ten women released from jail return to a life of crimes — an alarming rate of recidivism.

A lot of the youth champion social inequality in our own noble causes, but these women deprived of liberty also tackle social discrimination with little to few support systems and champions.

As someone actively engaged with this marginalized group, I've observed that their primary aspiration, both inside and outside the prison system, is achieving financial stability—an aspiration aligned with United Nations Sustainable Development Goals 5 (Gender Equality) and 8 (Decent Work and Economic Growth).

To effectively address this issue, Filipino youth can take proactive steps, including:

- Upskilling and Holistic Development: Implementing programs that provide educational and vocational training tailored to the needs of women PDLs.

- Creating Job Opportunities: Collaborating with businesses and NGOs to create employment pathways that support the reintegration of PDLs into society.

- Developing Soft Skills: Offering training in interpersonal skills, financial literacy, and entrepreneurship to empower women PDLs to sustainably rebuild their lives.

By focusing on these initiatives, the Filipino youth can contribute significantly to breaking the cycle of recidivism, reducing the societal discrimination and fostering greater social inclusion for women PDLs in the Philippines.

Golda Rebollido
Jun 27 03:33 PM


As a concerned Filipino youth, I have witnessed firsthand the alarming prevalence of disinformation plaguing our digital landscape. This disturbing trend, driven by the ubiquity of social media usage among young people, poses a grave threat to the well-being and intellectual development of our generation.

The core issue lies in the rampant spread of fake news and malicious propaganda online, which can severely mislead and misinform this impressionable demographic. The damaging impact of these false narratives on my peers is a testament to the urgency of this problem.

To effectively address this challenge, it is crucial for the Filipino youth to adopt a more vigilant and proactive approach. First and foremost, we must educate ourselves on the telltale signs of disinformation. This involves carefully verifying information before blindly believing it and cross-checking sources to ensure accuracy. Rather than hastily consuming and sharing content, we need to critically evaluate the origins and truthfulness of the information at hand.

My father, a seasoned journalist, has always emphasized the importance of fact-checking and critical thinking when it comes to consuming information. His guidance has been invaluable in shaping my own approach to navigating the digital landscape. (1/2)

Joshua Van
Jun 27 03:33 PM

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Golda Rebollido
Jun 27 03:33 PM

Promoting media literacy and critical thinking skills among the youth will be a key step in empowering us to identify and counter disinformation. Encouraging fact-checking habits and directing our peers towards reliable news sources can also help combat the proliferation of false narratives on social media platforms. It is equally important for us to be patient with people in our own lives who have fallen victim to and are amplifying disinformation. Often, these individuals are reacting out of fear or other negative emotions. Taking the time to have thoughtful conversations and guide them towards accurate information can make a meaningful difference.

The Filipino youth can play a crucial role in addressing the problem of disinformation by adopting a more discerning and responsible approach to consuming and sharing information online. This will involve a collective effort, but the stakes are high. Our future depends on our ability to combat the spread of fake news and propaganda. We must rise to this challenge and reclaim the truth. (2/2)

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Dimar Ray Rolida and Kathrine joined the channel.
Joshua Van
Jun 27 03:35 PM

One pressing issue that affects Filipinos which can be addressed by the youth is environmental degradation. The Philippines has already faced challenges like deforestation, pollution in every region, and climate change.

Filipino youth should and go beyond, by advocating for sustainable practices, tree planting & reforestation, clean-up campaigns, education & training, and advocacy and policy influence.

By advocating for sustainable practices, these raise awareness about eco-friendly habits like waste reduction, recycling, and energy conservation. This will also encourage peers, schools, and communities to adopt sustainable lifestyles.

By organizing tree-planting activities and drives it will combat deforestation. With the help of the engagement of the local government and NGO's we will be able to restore green spaces and protect biodiversity.

By initiating clean-up campaigns through mobilizing youth groups to clean beaches, rivers & public areas, these regular clean-up drives will and can prevent plastic pollution and improve water quality.

With the aid of education and training, there will be an increase in the promotion of environmental education in schools. It teaches us all, especially students about conservation, wildlife protection, and the importance of preserving natural resources.

By advocacy and policy influence and with the collaboration of policymakers to push for stricter environmental regulations, we can make a big difference and achieve a healthier and more sustainable future for the Philippines. 🇵🇭

Cyresse Ann Achilleos
Jun 27 03:39 PM


The pandemic was a memorable part of my life; my step-father lost his job, I became a working student, and I became an active youth leader. The pandemic revealed the gap between the rich and poor that sparked many youth movements and organizations around the country. Volunteerism was also prevalent, especially with community pantries and donation drives. The pandemic revealed the untapped potential of the youth as a formidable force.

Philippines is a chronically online country. For some of us, the online space means survival. I saw my batchmates turn to online selling and I myself am no stranger as I also became a freelancer to continue my studies.

I love being online, I think it's because as young people are more familiar with it. But, while we laugh at Tiktok videos and attend webinars, somewhere online is watching a video about how the martial law are the golden age.

My involvement in Kaibigan chat line and YHI Digital Champions, allowed me to connect with young people about the online world. It exposed me to different stories from teachers and students during consultations to co-create a responsive module about Digital Responsibility. It made me realize how we are behind with our laws and resources about the online world.

For many of us the online world is an escape, but I believe that it can be more. For us in Kaibigan chat line, it is a space where we provide a friend to someone feeling alone.

Currently, we are prototyping a social media platform that champions the truth. How it works is you tag the page and a volunteer fact-checker will check the post's credibility. This is how Filipino youth can contribute, creating meaningful online platforms and volunteering to them. Let’s turn our doom scrolling to something productive.

The internet is the young people’s world, and we get to shape it. Hopefully, we all agree that we want an online space where the youth force is too strong to be ignored.

Pao Ordonio
Jun 27 03:40 PM



The Philippines continuously suffers from the growth of echo chambers and polarized communities, resulting in low civic participation. Political disinformation remains a primary issue in the country, and it continually cripples our democracy as multiple political actors at both national and local levels taint social media – weaponizing it to sow lies and reap disinformed individuals.


The youth is in an advantageous and empowered position to break the “fake” and build bridges in various echo chambers. With access to emerging technologies and an understanding of their democratic rights, the youth nowadays become prosumers – not just consuming media messages to comprehend but also producing media materials to raise awareness. To date, many Filipino youths utilize social media for social good by creating quality content that presents our country’s real and current status, attracts individuals to participate in a specific cause, and initiates healthy dialogues to embrace differences.


The Filipino youth is a strong force that drives societal change. With their unique skills, abilities, and a big heart for the Philippines, the Filipino youth contribute significantly to shaping our future, constantly voicing out the unheard voices of the oppressed and advocating for progressive and sustainable reforms until we reach a healthy democracy.

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max has joined the channel.Jun 27 03:41 PM
Jun 27 03:42 PM


By simply listening, engaging, and letting he/she realize their own capabilities.

Growing up, I do not recall listening to bedtime stories of fantasies and fairytales. Stories of women around me were the stories that awakened me during times that were supposedly allotted for afternoon naps. As a kid, I had listened attentively to my grandmother’s World War II stories, which made me able to tell scene by scene how her then 10-year-old self was able to escape from the Japanese colonizers with the help of her brother, whom she ended up witnessing the death of in place of her. 

I grew up to be a storyteller myself. And like my grandmother, I tell stories of disasters and social inequalities. I am a journalist. I was also a community journalist for Rappler MovePH. 

This made me see many people in different communities in their worst situations and how social inequalities worsen them. 

Social Inequality remains one of the problems affecting Filipinos. I believe that the Filipino youth could play a crucial part in solving it. However, we must also recognize that there are different extents of social inequality present in the lives of Filipino youth. 

The movement must be from Filipino youth in general and not just Filipino youth who already know what they are capable of. Recognizing this could be the first step in breaking the social inequality divide in the youth sector. What is needed is someone who would guide their fellow youth to realize their capabilities and a safe space to share their ideas in rather than telling them what to do. In my coverages and volunteer work, I witnessed their enthusiasm when someone listens and trusts them to create a movement. I witnessed the impact created when people guiding them do not see them as beneficiaries but as partners—partners in moving their own communities forward.
Storytelling works for me, but it may not work for everyone. However, this is the ability that I will use to make them realize how capable they are of making this world more equal.

Jun 27 03:43 PM

I believe that the Climate Crisis is one of, if not the most, pressing issues that we are facing in today’s generation. We recognize that our climate is not just ‘changing’ but is now a crisis because of its detrimental effects on humankind, as well as in all the other aspects of the world we live in. This issue transcends the conversation from the visible effects of the climate crisis on our natural environment and resources, to the bigger threats that exist in the various areas of within our sociocultural and economic landscapes.

First, the climate crisis is a threat to livelihood. It can be recognized in the ongoing struggle in the aspects of agriculture, food security, health, and natural resources which provide life and income to those who directly depend on it. Second, the climate crisis can be rooted in development issues. The privatization and commercialization of green spaces and ancestral lands, which make up a huge area in the country, play a role in the displacement of local and indigenous communities that serve as the primary caretakers of the environment and natural resources. Third, the climate crisis is a depiction of social inequalities. We have to recognize that how climate change is felt by the people depends on their access to resources for adaptation and recovery. This also brings to light the differences in capabilities, especially for the marginalized sectors. And lastly, the climate crisis is a human rights crisis. With this political climate, people, organizations, and activists who genuinely fight for the rights of the environment and the communities tied to it are villainized. Some are even tortured and killed just for campaigning for just and equitable policies and practices.

03:43 PM

The youth sector has three important characteristics that should be maximized: strength, energy, and numbers.

1. As future leaders of the world and as the leaders that we are today, we should continue to involve and educate ourselves to fully grasp the realities of the society we live in. Upon knowing the concrete conditions of our world, we will be more capable of creating the proper solutions. And to do this, we must continue living with the people, amplifying the voices that need to be heard, putting theories into practice, and striving to create change.

2. We can also make use of our diverse skills and talents in raising awareness about the issues that need to be addressed. May it be through research, art, journalism, poetry, music, digital means, and any other medium that allows us to freely express ourselves whilst contributing to the change that we are advocating for. 

3. And lastly, we should never stop speaking up against injustices. Especially when it concerns the lives, rights, and freedoms of various sectors of society. The lessons we learn should not be confined within the walls of our classrooms but should be used to critically assess if policies and programs are truly for the people and the greater good. 

Jun 27 03:44 PM

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Vincent Intong Mamhot
Jun 27 03:46 PM



One significant issue affecting Filipinos that the youth can actively address is the excessive use of gadgets on their social media accounts, leading to proliferation of disinformation and the spread of fake news among our youth communities. With the advent of the 21st century technology and the birth of Artificial Intelligence, the world is filled with myriad sources of information. By just one tap, one swipe and one click, you can now access to unlimited sources of information, of which the youth are considered primary transmitters of such information.


When I started my career as a community development worker and youth volunteer, one principal factor to attract people’s interest is on what you do is through the internet, and on how you manipulate them through your social media platforms. When I conducted multiple fund-raising and community-charity events, the influence and bold significance information provides to the public affects on the way they respond on your projects or initiatives. I, for one has vividly observed and experienced such motives. Hence, I was convinced that indeed, information holds an immense power that can alter a person’s thought and opinion. With the digital age we are living plus the onset of artificial intelligence looming within our societies, it is now up to us, the Filipino youth in taking precautionary measures to mitigate cases of information falsification and fake news peddling. As a community and youth leader, it is now my shared responsibility to promote accurate, verified and factual information, staying well-informed and engaged, resist disinformation, among many others. Doing these small acts can ensure that there are people like me who are in the forefront of combatting fake news. By upholding these principles, we can use our influence positively to foster a more informed, respectful, and engaged online community among the youth.

Emma Estrella
Jun 27 03:47 PM



The topic of sexual harassment is a problem that runs rampant in our country today. It has subjected numerous men and women alike to trauma they would have to carry for the rest of their lives. According to Atty. Ivy Pantaleon during an Anti-Rape Law Forum, 1 in 5 Filipino women have experienced any form of sexual violence, including but not limited to: having your sexual photos leaked without consent, being spoken to in a sexual manner that is both degrading or offensive, and being coerced or forced to perform sexual activities. (Find A Helpline, 2024) 

A common misconception is that sexual violence is only punishable by law once a person is touched without consent. Because of this, several more counts of these violations remain unreported to this day. Seemingly harmless phrases such as “hayaan mo na lang ‘yan” or “may gusto lang ‘yan sa’yo” have played their role in promoting such behaviour, feeding into male entitlement and toleration. This creates a cycle of what is commonly known as rape culture, where sexual violence and abuse is played down and tolerated. It starts with the sexual comments which turns to inappropriate touching, and people are surprised when a rape in the area is reported through the news. 

While the discussion is no longer as taboo due to youth forums discussing the adverse effects of such violations, we often concern ourselves with the “after” of such incidents without giving much thought on what we can do for the “before.” We already know so much about how sexual harassment and rape affects us; so how do we prevent it? (1/2)

03:48 PM

The signs are often much more identifiable than we are led to believe. Misogynistic remarks, sexual jokes, and more are easy to perceive. However, merely perceiving and walking away will not help break this cycle. It is important to call out said behaviour, and make them take accountability now, while their actions are still “small.” Having perpetrators face consequences early on may deter them from committing bigger violations. The Filipino Youth have already proven their awareness of the societal issues we face today, particularly with longstanding issues such as this. If we continue to foster a community that is less tolerant and more vigorous in protecting their own rights and the rights of others, we can hold the right people accountable, before such violations may even occur in the first place.

The Filipino youth have already made the first step towards this, by destigmatizing the topic of sexual harassment. What was once deemed taboo is now an opportunity for us to discuss and assert our rights, and the rights of those who will come after us. The most alarming issues are often the least talked about, and it is time that we pave way for “uncomfortable” discussions. Discomfort empowers conversation, and conversations bring forth solutions. No person should ever experience and be diminished for experiencing sexual assault, and it is within our hands to call out the signs and break the cycle of rape culture. (2/2)

Dimar Ray Rolida
Jun 27 03:48 PM


One significant problem affecting Filipinos that the youth can help solve is the lack of access to basic healthcare services (SDG3), particularly in remote and marginalized communities like those targeted by our project in Davao del Norte.

The Filipino youth can address this issue by organizing education and awareness campaigns to promote health literacy, organizing community engagement and education workshops, leveraging technology to develop digital health solutions, volunteering to provide basic health services and distribute health monitoring devices, establishing partnerships with local health authorities and NGOs to secure necessary resources and support for these initiatives, and actively participating to push for healthcare reforms. 

By taking these steps, the Filipino youth can play a crucial role in addressing healthcare disparities and ensuring that even the most remote communities have access to essential health services. Together, we can create a healthier and more equitable future for everyJuan.

Jun 27 03:49 PM


Well, let's call it the arrogance of ignorance: that feeling of knowing everything when there's so much more to learn. In the Philippines, this can sometimes manifest as close-mindedness, an unwillingness to consider new ideas or approaches simply because they challenge tradition. This can be a major roadblock to progress. We see it in everything from social issues like LGBTQIA+ rights to Divorce – a hesitation to embrace change that can hold us back.

This close-mindedness can be a frustrating obstacle, especially for the Filipino youth who are bombarded with global information through the internet and social media. They see different perspectives, witness social progress in other countries, and yearn to see similar advancements in their own. However, attempts to introduce change are often met with resistance, a stubborn adherence to the "ganyan talaga noon pa" (that's how it's always been) mentality. This stifles innovation and hinders the Philippines from reaching its full potential.

A prime example of this clash between tradition and progress is the ongoing debate surrounding the SOGIE (Sexual Orientation, Gender Identity and Expression) Equality Bill and the Divorce Bill. Both pieces of legislation have faced staunch opposition, often rooted in deeply held religious beliefs. This resistance exemplifies the close-mindedness that can stifle progress. Filipino youth, who are more exposed to diverse perspectives on these issues, see the potential benefits of these bills for a more just and inclusive society. However, their voices are often drowned out by the traditional narrative.

03:50 PM


Filipino youth can bridge this gap by facilitating open and respectful dialogue across generations. This can involve workshops, seminars, online discussions, or even casual gatherings that explore the social and emotional realities impacted by outdated laws. By leveraging technology to create platforms for diverse viewpoints and curate content that promotes critical thinking, they can foster empathy and understanding between those clinging to tradition and those advocating for change.

The Philippines is a nation brimming with potential. However, this potential remains untapped if we remain trapped within the walls of our own ignorance. Filipino youth, armed with knowledge, technology, and a thirst for progress, have the power to become the architects of a more open-minded and progressive Philippines. Let's break down the walls of arrogance and build bridges of understanding. Let us cultivate a national conversation, one that embraces tradition while celebrating innovation. The future of the Philippines rests not just on the shoulders of the youth, but on their open minds and courageous hearts. 

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Lheonel Sanchez has joined the channel.Jun 27 03:50 PM
Alyssa Faith A. Gonzales
Jun 27 03:50 PM

Rappler is a well known publishing company in the Philippines where they are fully entrusted with information. As a part of a journalism club I would like to expand my knowledge, my drive and passion for journalism, as well as the e experience will gain in this journeys with Rappler. I highly expect that they will provide a lot of advices and trainings that will help enhance the passion within journalists and aspiring leaders. This will be used as an excellent training ground where people especially the youth, may meet and create relationships that will cater as a connection for exchanging insights and greatness. This annual summit is essential for shaping the community that deals with countless of issues for we can create our own decisions that will positively help our community and eventually the country to flourish. I am also a youth leader, especially in the making as I would like to constantly pursue my love for God. My service with the church is one of the things I treasure and would like to step up in the future. It is with great pleasure to learn with a whole new crowd is an enchantingly new experience of knowing God more broadly with them.

03:51 PM

Though I have not experienced yet to be a part of neither MovePH or Rappler's training/s I would be more than thankful to experience a one of a kind program that only a limited number of people may join. I fully hope to not only gain a mountain of learnings that will be fed into my brain but I am also looking forward for this event as a food for my soul and character. May this be a headstart for the long journey that will await me in the future, featuring the leadership I will partake in different organizations that I will join in the long run. The learnings I will take and bare with will be utilized not only limited in the organizations I will be in but also within myself too.

03:51 PM

I am able to not only see complications that are present-not only limited to the community I live in but also with regards to the parish community, national and international terms. I had a few share of advocacies in our classroom where we shall collect money from each student in our room as our weekly contribution. We agreed to set it on Wednesday as it is the mid of the week where it wouldn't pressure the students to give out money as the allowance is quite freshly given and would still not be close to being used up. i was also elected multiple times as a leader in multiple groupings as I always prioritize equality in each member to avoid heavier workloads for other hardworking members. I also set deadlines that we must all follow to have union and responsibility therefore laziness and tardiness to be absent. In our journalism club, though I have only been with them during my last year in senior high school, I have learned a lot with joining the Editorial Cartooning committee and the Photojournalism, where I was made more aware of the issues in our country and the importance of learning and understanding them, along with the well consideration and the thorough observation of dillemas as it is a big deal to meddle with. In our choir, I was a witness of some understandings in the community, where some may be passively to consistently being inactive. I have suggested policies before where members that will be late may pay a fine for us to create discipline and our own fund to use for the group. I have also actively associated myself in church activities where we will hold meetings and take note of the essential information given, activities that will help each member know each other more and more importantly, God-to know His love more and feel His greatness more.

Jasper Vijar
Jun 27 03:51 PM


One problem affecting Filipinos that the youth can solve is the lack of youth participation in adolescent health programs. Programs exist for HIV and AIDS, Teenage Pregnancy, Mental health under the umbrella of adolescent health, however the lack of youth participation, from crafting to actually becoming beneficiaries of these programs, does not entail ownership and sustainability of current initiatives.

The filipino youth can solve this problem by taking up space in these programs and also taking a seat at the table where decisions are made.

This is feasible because this was the result of our current project entitled, Project AKKAP (Alagaan ang Kalusugan ng Kabataang Pilipino), wherein we sought to measure the effect of a youth-led adolescent program on the utilization of adolescent reproductive health (ARH) services in 12 rural health units (RHU) within Iloilo and Negros Occidental.

Basing on the Positive Youth Development framework that considers youth participation as central to designing youth interventions, the project engaged a pool of selected peer navigators who were trained to support the referral of adolescents to ARH services at their respective AFHFs. As a result of this intervention, there was a significant increase in the utilization of ARH services comparing the last quarter of 2023 as baseline (88.00 土 28.48) and the first quarter of 2024 (152.56 土 40.86) (p=0.022).

Moreover, to ensure sustainability, Sangguniang Kabataan of the 12 sites are currently drafting or amending existing policies on adolescent reproductive health by creating a service delivery network that will involve government and non-government agencies in leading our adolescents to avail services in our RHUs.

This is proof that in solving health concerns especially the ones that involve the youth, it is important to involve them in the conversation, and to create programs for, with and by the youth.

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rlamancio has joined the channel.Jun 27 03:52 PM
user avatar for @nhad_xtl:camprappler.campin.gg
Jun 27 03:54 PM


Many people think that it is poverty that kills their dreams, however, what most people don’t see is how intergenerational poverty is just one of the results of political violence that continuously looms over the Philippines and many of the marginalized sectors all over the world. In essence, political violence is an umbrella term concerning the youth, especially in a politically polluted system that threatens our democracy.

Political violence is the use of harm motivated by political ploys. In the case of the Philippines, falling prey to this fate is as much inherited as one of your parent’s features; so much so, that you can see many of its manifestations every day hiding in plain sight to the point that the majority of the Filipinos already normalized it – much worse, still patronizes it.

This phenomenon often takes the shape of various injustices, including, but not limited to political suppression, censorship, imprisonment, or casualties. Some of its faces also take the shape of extreme chains of poverty, educational crisis, and climate crimes often resulting in youth apathy; extremely endangering the hope of progressive development of our country.

In the face of worldwide conflicts, war, and even genocides, along with violent extremism, heinous crimes, and various examples of fascism present in the physical and virtual worlds, the youth now stands in the middle of a maze gasping for breath amidst the imperialist smokes and war machines of this systemic threat. However, with the strength of collective hope and the prayers of the masses, the youth is also the torch bearer of the light that can show the people how political violence plagues the “new Philippines.”

03:54 PM

As much as the youth is susceptible to technological warfare like the unregulated use of generative artificial intelligence and profit-driven social media, they also possess the ability to maneuver these tools to infiltrate the information pool with campaigns that can support communal awareness. By doing so, they can counter the trash in our socio-political and information landscapes that deceive people of the normalization of these types of violence. The youth can serve as the main warriors against the fascist tactics caging us to the belief that the political violence perpetrators are our saviors.

With enough opportunities, the youth may also be trained to create and collaborate with other transformational leaders to create tangible mechanisms through their community-based immersions and research studies that support basic mass integration. That way, they can use their education to know the true condition of the masses and serve the community through their collaborative work with local changemakers who also champion sustainable community development efforts.

Alone, the youth will not survive their fight, this is the main reason why their examples can significantly serve as an inspiration for many other people to challenge the norms and other culturally inappropriate practices of Filipinos - like glorifying the tyrants, supporting dynasties, and seeing corrupts as their heroes. This calls for a collective cultural embedment that political violence, in any form, must not be sugar-coated and must be corrected before we lose the chance.

All of this will spark if only the youth will embark on their meaningful journey of standing and affirming the calls to end political violence by truly championing humanity and social justice.

Alyssa Faith A. Gonzales
Jun 27 03:54 PM

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Tatyana Austria
Jun 27 03:55 PM


The 21st century has gifted us the power of wielding knowledge at our fingertips. With one tap, one scroll, or one click— the possibilities online are endless. The internet, like most things in life, is revealed to be humanity's double-edged sword. I believe it is social media that continues to rip the country apart at tension-filled times; specifically, misinformation.

Nevertheless, I firmly believe that misinformation is a problem affecting the Philippines that our own youth can solve. As Gen-Z, we're entrusted to be the most tech-savy, the most reliable apos, and the wittiest of netizens. The Filipino youth's hearts and souls beat for hope, and we hope to beat the country's injustices.

Starting with our innate ability to be changemakers, we must work on how information is shared online. The youth must take action in fact-checking harmful forums to deter impressionable minds from belief. The key in being harbringers of hope is to be proactive in the fight against misinformation. Quite literally, our children are our future and we must influence them on the responsibility that comes with modern technology's limitless power.

Jun 27 03:55 PM

Climate change is a pressing issue that significantly impacts the Philippines, given its vulnerability to natural disasters like typhoons, flooding, and rising sea levels. The Filipino youth can play a crucial role in addressing climate change through Education and Awareness, Advocacy and Policy Change, Community Action, Innovation and Technology, Collaboration, and Networking. By taking these steps, Filipino youth can make a significant impact by mitigating the effects of climate change and promoting a sustainable future for the Philippines.

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Carl has joined the channel.Jun 27 03:57 PM
Jun 27 03:57 PM


Increasing cases of teenage pregnancy worsens the conditions in the Philippines.

As someone in the Sangguniang Kabataan, we should educate our young people about safe sex thats why we have our HYPE program taht focuses in lessening the cases of teebage pregancy in our community.

Jose Fernando Magno
Jun 27 03:57 PM


The social issue that has a negative impact on Filipinos which can be addressed by the youth is the increasing cases of fake news. This problem harms our democracy, fosters division and social inequality, and promotes false information. As digital natives, Filipino youth are in a unique position to address this issue effectively.

First, the youth should engage themselves in the campaigns that highlight the issues of media literacy. Raising awareness among fellow Filipino youth and people in general on how to evaluate the information, and the sources of that information, can go a long way in preventing such fake news. The above can be convened through training, use of training calendars where media literacy is included, internet-based training such as webinars, and partnership with institutions of learning to incorporate media literacy programs in the school curriculum. Secondly, the youth should exploit the social media platforms they are active in to fight fake news and within the context of social media, they can also contribute to the nurturing of an informed and critical audience by providing accurate information from trustworthy sources and refuting fake news. Such efforts can be supported by campaigns for fact-checking pages, hashtags, etc. Thirdly, the youth should participate in community outreach programs that relate to voters education. Educating the public on the relevance of accurate information during an election process can discourage the spread of rumors and thus make the electoral process to be based on facts. This may include arranging of seminars, putting up of information booklets, and collaborating with organizations in the community. Lastly, promoting truth and transparency is also the key. The youth leaders and advocates should make sure to speak the truth not only to others but for themselves as well.

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Brixson Julian has joined the channel.Jun 27 03:59 PM
Mauren Cheyenne Dijamco
Jun 27 03:59 PM


One significant issue facing the youth today is the lack of comprehensive sex education. The Filipino youth can address this by actively participating in seminars and programs conducted by NGOs and organizations nationwide. We, as the younger generation, can also take the initiative to advocate for and help create policies that address this critical issue.

It is our responsibility to protect our peers and ensure that everyone has access to accurate information about their bodies and sexual health. By fostering a safe community and advocating for comprehensive sex education, we can work towards a future where no one has to suffer in silence from sexual abuse.

Brixson Julian
Jun 27 03:59 PM


One significant issue affecting Filipinos that youth can effectively address is unemployment, particularly among young graduates facing job mismatch and limited opportunities. Filipino youth can take proactive steps to tackle this problem: (a) Skills Development Programs: Initiate or participate in programs like Acing Career through Employability Readiness (ACER) to equip youth with relevant skills for the job market. This includes training in resume writing, interview techniques, and soft skills development; (b) Entrepreneurship and Innovation: Encourage youth to explore entrepreneurship by providing support for startup ventures and small businesses. Foster innovation by creating platforms for young entrepreneurs to showcase their ideas and receive mentorship; (c) Advocacy for Education Reform: Advocate for reforms in the education system to ensure alignment between curriculum and industry needs. Push for partnerships between educational institutions and businesses to provide internships, apprenticeships, and practical training; (d) Networking and Mentorship: Facilitate networking opportunities and mentorship programs that connect youth with professionals in their desired fields. Encourage mentorship relationships that provide guidance and insights into career pathways; (d) Policy Advocacy: Engage in advocacy efforts to influence policies that support youth employment, such as incentives for businesses hiring young graduates or funding for skills training programs.

By taking these proactive steps, Filipino youth can contribute significantly to reducing unemployment and improving career opportunities for themselves and future generations. Collaboration with organizations, government agencies, and private sectors will amplify these efforts, creating a more supportive environment for youth employment and economic empowerment.

Jun 27 03:59 PM


Generational trauma.

For it is true that Filipinos have big and seemingly more relevant problems to discuss and address like environmental concerns, security and privacy issues, misinformation here and there, political mishaps and leadership failures, poverty and educational problems among others, we fail to realize that these will not stop unless the youth have the courage to step out of their house without carrying family’s generational trauma to the society.

Generational trauma is trauma that extends from one generation to the next. Like how genes, culture, heirlooms, physical features, and secret family recipes get passed down through families, people can also inherit trauma. And trauma is not confined in one’s mind and body only. It extends to the society. A traumatized youth might be a future traumatized leader who will create traumatized constituents. When a father would insist his son to just accept a bribe in exchange of a vote, said son will be the same unless he stands to his belief that it is wrong.

The only way where Filipino youth could stop generational trauma is for them to have the courage to say no even if it means being ostracized.

user avatar for @archiebergosa:camprappler.campin.gg
Archie Bergosa
Jun 27 03:59 PM


I think the most important issue to look at has something to do with the information ecosystem in the midst of rapidly changing information landscape especially in this times where Artificial Intelligence (AI) is disrupting the way we consume and produce contents. AI as a tool can be used for good, but it can also be a way to produce disinformation or deceive people. Hence, it is essential to integrate and talk about digital literacy and share tips to people about how to navigate the digital world. It goes hand in hand with fortifying fact-checking practices to combat mis/disinformation machineries that are evolving together with our modern technologies. That’s why at Explained PH, we regularly host discussions and capacity building sessions to ensure that technology is being used for good.

Jun 27 04:00 PM


The one pressing problem that I believe we young Filipinos can solve is democratic backsliding and the rule of performative politics and illiberal democracy. In order to achieve sustainable development, democracy is essential. For us to solve this probelm, we need to fight back, and hold the line. Continue participating in democratic spaces and exercisinf our hard-fought and hard-won freedoms.

Son Rodriguez
Jun 27 04:00 PM


One of the main problems affecting Filipinos now is the fast growth of HIV cases in the young age segment (United Nations Target under Sustainable Development Goal 3). This issue is a ticking time bomb that can drastically and negatively impact the lives of my countrymen and our neighboring countries. In the recent data from the Department of Health Philippines, HIV cases are projected to hit a total of 500,000 cases in 2030, a 150% increase versus the initial projection. The condom penetration in the Philippines remains low at 7% based on Durex and Reckitt Philippines' internal study. Hence, there is an opportunity to amplify efforts to curb the HIV epidemic in the Philippines.

In addressing the HIV epidemic in the Philippines, it is salient to determine the key barriers to why people don't practice safe sex: (1) shame when purchasing condoms, (2) lack of awareness on access to condoms and PreP, (3) wrong source of sex information. According to an internal study done by Durex and Reckitt Philippines, Filipino youths are crucial in combatting the key barriers to safe sex. With many restrictions from the Philippine government on the purchase of condoms and sex education, Pinoy youths’ social media adeptness and peer influence are key factors in creating credible and accessible sex education. Social media and word-of-mouth are the top two sources of awareness regarding the usage of condoms for safe sex and contraception (Durex Reckitt Philippines Brand Health Tracking Study BHT, 2024). The young generation can take steps to create awareness of condom access and purchase through social media usage and influence among peers. Moreover, social media with youth-led content can create a safe, accessible, and credible space about sexual wellness; this can address the need for a trustworthy source of information as adult sites are mainly the go-to platforms for first-time sex information.

Youth, especially those in the workplace, can also be a catalyst for change. As one of the brand managers of Reckitt Philippines, I’m taking charge of creating a purpose-led work to drive societal impact. I firmly believe profits and social impact are not mutually exclusive; thus, the existence of social entrepreneurship. Filipino youths can be social entrepreneurs, impacting certain causes with the help of our employers/organizations. One of the key programs I started with Reckitt is the sex education and wellness initiative geared towards youth to create a world of sexual security by fighting against shame and stigma. The main thrust of the program is to remove HIV and sex misinformation and disinformation by presenting Durex Philippines' online social platforms as credible hubs for pleasure-based communication and sex education. The online campaign achieved 30 million unique reach which helped increase condom penetration by 133%. University sex education drives and NGO partnerships were done to boost the reach and impact further.

The youth-led movement has great potential in protecting the Philippines against the looming growth of HIV cases. In fighting shame and lack of awareness, we can use the power of social media to remove embarrassment and discrimination and create a world of sexual security. To counter misinformation and disinformation about sex and sexual health, we should use our networks and their available resources to build extensive, accessible, and credible sex education spaces for Filipinos that enable them to (1) celebrate their sexual pleasure and sexuality, (2) understand the importance of protection and prevention, and (3) access preventive tools or methods (NGO/organization partnerships, store distributions, and health clinics). When we come together, just like in ONE YOUNG WORLD, our SMALL ACTIONS can create BIG CHANGES.

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Karl Aldrich has joined the channel.Jun 27 04:16 PM
Jun 27 04:18 PM


As much as I want to say that fake news is the problem, it has always been the fragility of our media literacy in the Philippines—the way that progress toward it almost always never reaches the point of development. It’s also the reason why we have welcomed the era of fake news and manipulation in social media platforms. We are in the late stage of disinformation and it has evolved beyond mere political agendas to shape a neocapitalist ideology and render even our efforts on other social issues ineffective.

It’s not to say that we are going back to square one and all progress that new media has adapted have slowly went down the drain, like educating people, counter-propagandas, and fact-checking. We just let history repeat patterns. We have understood the Spanish propagandas in postcolonial comical novels in Rizal’s perspective, until we don’t. We were shown footage and real news of Ferdinand Marcos Sr.’s dictatorship and his fall, only to find his son reclaiming the throne.

But the youth is the solution because we are aware of the repercussions of our own silence. The youth is the Internet and the “woke” culture. We thrive in the world of virality. We operate on the ethos of sharing. Let’s beg to talk, and let’s beg to be talked about. By all means, we can exploit all media to share a message of resolve.

And if that’s not concrete enough to spread the word, we spark conversations even in the most obstinate of places.

We need to learn every day. We have to understand that the key to finding a solution is to study its history, root causes, and purpose.

And in our own ways, the enlightenment should go forth. In the aspect of radicalization our efforts must push a little harder to be more radical too. We need out-of-the-box opportunities to educate and inform. By doing so, the youth can ensure that progress is not undone.

Jun 27 05:03 PM

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Jun 27 05:12 PM

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05:12 PM

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Jun 27 05:16 PM


Being an archipelagic country, the well-being of the marine ecosystem plays a significant role in supporting our livelihoods. Unfortunately, water pollution and seabed mining pose significant threats to marine ecosystems and consequently, to the fisherfolk who depend on them.

Fish population declines are one of the most obvious effects of these threats. Coral reefs and mangroves are two examples of vital breeding and feeding grounds that are destroyed as a result of pollution from chemicals, plastics, and heavy metals that penetrate marine environments. It has been noted by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) that the Philippines is among the largest contributors to global ocean plastic pollution generating approximately 2.7 million tons of plastic waste each year.  More so, microplastics or plastic debris were found across the archipelago based on a recent study conducted by the Coastal Resources and Ecotourism Research, Development and Extension Center (CRERDEC) of the Ecosystems Research and Development Bureau (ERDB) last 2021. These microplastics are alarming since it will affect marine species as pointed out by the CRERDEC Supervisor, Jim Padin, posing a health risk to the environment and to us consumers. Exposure to contaminants can cause fish to collect poisons such as lead and mercury in their systems therefore, eating tainted fish may cause neurological illnesses among other major health consequences. Additionally, our fisherfolk who spend a lot of time in contaminated waters also have a greater risk of developing skin infections, waterborne illnesses, and other health issues. Further, fish reproduction can be disrupted by these contaminants, which can eventually lead to dwindling fish populations and decreasing reproduction rates. A decline in fish populations directly correlates with smaller catches and lower revenue for our small-scale fisherfolk, who rely on their daily catches to support our families which may result in food insecurity.

Aside from plastics, seabed mining has been a challenge in our country for so long especially those who are abundant with mineral resources such as in Zambales. Mining had an adverse effect not only on our wildlife community but also on our fisherfolk. Fish breeding, feeding, and habitat conservation depend on fragile marine ecosystems, which are disrupted by seabed mining activities. Suctioning sediment from the seabed to collect minerals destroys ecosystems. This activity largely affects the fish population affecting those who are dependent.

As part of the young generation, we can create a ripple effect by preserving our natural resources for future generations to come. It is important that we, youth, have direct interaction with our fisherfolk community not only to empathize but to understand their concerns. Such dialogues create and promote community cohesion and solidarity with one another. Aside from the continuous implementation of community clean-up and environmental campaigns, we should exert pressure on governments and private sectors to bolster environmental rules and push advocacy activities concentrating on promoting equitable access to resources, obtaining rights and safeguards for our fisherfolk communities, and strengthening our current law (Republic Act No. 8550) that give priority to marine ecosystem and sustainable fishing methods.

Reducing the negative impacts of mining and water pollution on our fisherfolk necessitates comprehensive strategies that put social justice, environmental sustainability, and community resilience first. We should ensure livelihood support for affected communities, and promote inclusive and active decision-making processes where governments, private sectors, civil society organizations, and affected communities collaborate in the implementation and proper enforcement of our existing law. Together, we can work toward a future where environmentally responsible growth and sustainable development go hand in hand by preserving marine and coastal resources, as well as the rights and resiliency of communities of fisherfolk.






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Samantha Bagayas
Jun 28 11:44 AM

@here Are you based near or in Cagayan de Oro City or Naga City? We’re holding a trainers’ training program on media and information literacy there this July and August! Check this out for more details about the Movers for Facts program: https://www.rappler.com/moveph/deutsche-welle-training-youth-leaders-promote-media-literacy/

Application deadline is on July 15!

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Samantha Bagayas
Jul 01 09:33 AM

📣 Check out this opportunity from Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung Philippines Office 📣

"If you are a young leader passionate about making a difference in your organization, group, or community, we want you! Visit bit.ly/KAS-AYLP for more information about the program. The submission deadline is 𝟑𝟏 𝐀𝐮𝐠𝐮𝐬𝐭 𝟐𝟎𝟐𝟒. Complete the required documents and submit them to bit.ly/AYLPBatch3Reg."

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Tanglad has joined the channel.Jul 02 05:34 AM
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Jul 04 05:49 AM

Hi guys

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Jericko, Otu and Farhana Makol joined the channel.
Farhana Makol
Jul 05 06:21 AM

Magandang araw sa lahat!

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Abdul Hafiz Malawani and reggiecubelo joined the channel.
Jul 05 12:19 PM

magandang araw po sa ating lahat

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Lovely Gil has joined the channel.Jul 06 03:48 AM
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user avatar for @samanthabagayas:camprappler.campin.gg
Samantha Bagayas
Today, 2 hours ago

Hi @here ! We're now accepting applications for our next internship cycle :) The cycle will run from August to October 2024. Deadline for applications is on WEDNESDAY, JULY 31.

Check this out if you're interested in applying! Both interns and volunteers (those who want to undergo an internship voluntarily) are welcome :) However, we're only considering third and fourth year students for this program. If you have any questions, just email move.ph@rappler.com! https://www.rappler.com/moveph/263-rappler-internship-program-careers/

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Felicianus Mungcalus Tertium has joined the channel.Today, 1 hour ago