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Arafat M. H. Hamid has joined the channel.Jun 20 02:57 PM
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Ada has joined the channel.Jun 21 03:57 AM
user avatar for @beacupin:camprappler.campin.gg
Bea Cupin
Jun 21 05:07 AM

AFP confirms it's monitored Chinese Navy ships passing through Palawan.

AFP’s response - On the issue of PLA navy warships monitored in Balabac Strait, Palawan

On June 19, four PLA Navy vessels were monitored transiting within 12 nautical miles of Palawan. At 1:49 p.m., two of these vessels were identified as the PLAN destroyer Luyang III (DDG-168) and the frigate Jiangkai II (FFG-570), moving at a speed of 13 knots, both heading southwest. The other two vessels, the destroyer Renhai (CG-105) and the replenishment oiler Fuchi (AOR-907), were monitored at 3:56 p.m. moving at a speed of 15 knots, both also heading southwest.

As part of standard operating procedure, these vessels were challenged and they responded accordingly.

Said area is commonly used by international vessels passing through our waters.

Our capability to monitor and respond to such activities is a testament to our commitment to maritime domain awareness and the protection of our territory, sovereignty, and sovereign rights. Rest assured, the AFP remains vigilant in safeguarding our maritime interests.

05:08 AM

What we're trying to clarify: Does the AFP consider this innocent passage? We'll update here + with a story once they respond.

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Percy has joined the channel.Jun 21 05:13 AM
Jun 21 09:36 AM

Hi. Malacanang's security cluster will hold a surprise press conference any moment now, the first since the June 17 incident in Ayungin Shoal. Expected to lead the briefing are Executive Secretary Lucas Bersamin and Presidential Assistant on Maritime Concerns Andres Centino. @here

user avatar for @beacupin:camprappler.campin.gg
Bea Cupin
Jun 21 09:38 AM

09:39 AM

ES Bersamin, who chairs the newly-created National Maritime Council, says they convened for the second time ever earlier today.

Jun 21 09:45 AM

Q: Is there fear that China will force Filipinos out of BRP Sierra Madre?

Centino: That is a consideration and we will be prepared for that.

09:46 AM

Q: How did the President react?

Centino: Composed, and he immediately asked concerned Cabsecs to discuss the matter with him. 

09:49 AM

Q: How is the new policy recommendation submitted by NMC different from the current policy?

Bersamin: We just don’t know if the reason for this is there was no prior knowledge on the part of China that we were resupplying. It’s just a normal, routinary matter. For the best interest of all parties, I think it was a wise decision for the President to accept our recommendation to publicize the schedule for activities without giving up anything.

09:52 AM

Q: Does this incident fall under the invokation of Mutual Defense Treaty with US?

Centino: There was only one soldier that was injured. It has not been considered in our discussions.

Jun 21 09:59 AM

Q: Does the PH gov't consider the Ayungin incident an armed attack?
Bersamin: No, it was probably a misunderstanding or an armed attack.

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Jaffet Haze Grafilon has joined the channel.Jun 22 01:57 PM
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Elton Jhay Gerna has joined the channel.Jun 23 04:10 AM
Althea Serad
Jun 23 06:32 AM

Hello! don't know which topic to reach out to but I'd like to ask the community: Does anyone know a hotline or some place where we can report suspected POGOs in our neighborhoods? Do we have a citizens' guide what to watch or look out for in case there ar suspicious activities? I hear stories from friends and relatives with these activities, apart from what I see from my neighbors even, and I wish we had more involvement if we're invaded and abused by foreigners right under our noses.

user avatar for @beacupin:camprappler.campin.gg
Bea Cupin
Jun 24 06:03 AM

Another day, another press briefing. We're on standby for a briefing with Sec of National Defense Teodoro, National Security Adviser Sec Año, and DFA USec Lazaro

06:03 AM


Glenda M. Gloria
Jun 24 06:05 AM
Althea Serad

Hello! don't know which topic to reach out to but I'd like to ask the community: Does anyone know a hotline or some place where we can report suspected POGOs in our neighborhoods? Do we have a citizens' guide what to watch or look out for in case there ar suspicious activities? I hear stories from friends and relatives with these activities, apart from what I see from my neighbors even, and I wish we had more involvement if we're invaded and abused by foreigners right under our noses.

Hello, Althea. Let us check, get back to you

user avatar for @beacupin:camprappler.campin.gg
Bea Cupin
Jun 24 06:22 AM

Sec Teodoro: Our policy in the West Philippine Sea has not changed... we will not give up an inch, not even a millimeter of our territory to any foreign power. We will continue to defend our territory and exercise our sovereign rights... We seek neither permission nor consent from anyone in performing our sworn duty in the West Philippine Sea.

06:23 AM

Teodore now says June 17 incident was NOT an accident. ES Bersamin – chair of the National Maritime Council – called it an accident or misunderstanding. @here

Jun 24 06:28 AM

Appears to be an effort by Malacanang to correct or walk back from Bersamin's statement last Friday, which caused uproar over the weekend.

user avatar for @beacupin:camprappler.campin.gg
Bea Cupin
Jun 24 06:30 AM

This would be the second "clarification" following Bersamin's quip – first, from the NTF-WPS via Commodore Jay Tarriela on Saturday then today from no less than the Defense Chief himself.

Jun 24 06:32 AM

Underscores Bersamin's major slip of tongue/ error in judgment. Because if that's not the case, it would be unfortunate that it took the President a visit to Wescom for his admin to realize that the incident in Ayungin should not be reduced to a mere misunderstanding or accident.

Jose Farcon
Jun 24 06:41 AM

Perhaps calling it a misunderstanding was the misunderstanding

user avatar for @paterno:camprappler.campin.gg
Paterno Esmaquel II
Jun 24 06:47 AM
Bea Cupin

This would be the second "clarification" following Bersamin's quip – first, from the NTF-WPS via Commodore Jay Tarriela on Saturday then today from no less than the Defense Chief himself.

In such a volatile situation, it is extremely unwise to make a novice in diplomacy/security matters - even if he is a former chief justice - the government’s talking head. Bersamin should speak less about WPS in the future!

user avatar for @beacupin:camprappler.campin.gg
Bea Cupin
Jun 24 06:50 AM

Not a good debut for the chairperson of the newly-established National Maritime Council – a body that is meant to set Philippine policy and strategy in ALL maritime areas, not just the WPS. 👀

Glenda M. Gloria
Jun 24 07:07 AM
Glenda M. Gloria

Hello, Althea. Let us check, get back to you

The PAOCC says it does not have a hotline. Meanwhile, as we are checking other agencies, please use this channel to alert us on anything. Thank you.

07:09 AM

But would Bersamin have said that last Friday without clearing with the President - or even the defense chief himself (who is a key player in the Council, at least on paper)? This is so….

07:11 AM

If an ES commits a major slip like that, is that his or the President’s or officialdom? Is Gibo now saying that presser was a mistake? But what was the purpose of that presser if not to tone things down? This government needs to be on one page.

07:14 AM

Underscores Bersamin's major slip of tongue/ error in judgment. Because if that's not the case, it would be unfortunate that it took the President a visit to Wescom for his admin to realize that the incident in Ayungin should not be reduced to a mere misunderstanding or accident.

The president could have clarified in a more empathic tone yesterday in Palawan. He should have been the one to say, this was not a simple misunderstanding. Why wait for Monday, for another talking head to clarify these matters?

07:17 AM

Policy is not an act of sailing. You do not craft or implement it according to where the wind is blowing.

user avatar for @beacupin:camprappler.campin.gg
Bea Cupin
Jun 25 02:49 AM

NOW: Senate's Committee on Foreign Relations holds hearing on the CCG's harassment and disruption of a June 17 resupply mission to Ayungin Shoal. @here

02:51 AM

Seaman First Class Underwater Operator Jeffrey Facundo, the NAVSOG soldier who lost his finger because of China's ramming, is present at the Senate.

02:52 AM

Facundo says AFP deployed 4 RHIBs – two from the Marines, another two from NAVSOG. Only the two from the NAVSOG made it to the BRP Sierra Madre on June 17 because one of the two RHIBs experienced machine trouble.

02:52 AM

Facundo recalls arrival of Chinese inside Ayungin Shoal, close to the BRP Sierra Madre: "Pagkadating na po agad, wala na pong warning, diretso na po yung banggan."

user avatar for @paullim0314:camprappler.campin.gg
Paul Lim
Jun 25 02:57 AM

Pustahan, si Imee kakampi sa kabila.

user avatar for @beacupin:camprappler.campin.gg
Bea Cupin
Jun 25 03:03 AM

Facundo narrates how he lost his thumb during the melee. We're also posted a video of China's ramming on X - https://x.com/beacupin/status/1805436066507505754

03:06 AM

Facundo says the RHIBs were towed away from Ayungin Shoal and to an area close to Sabina Shoal. Facundo himself was not there, since he and two others went aboard the BRP Sierra Madre because of his injury.

03:10 AM

Facundo says China also harassed first med evac attempt after the melee – he says CCG punctured the rubber boat they used to exit Ayungin Shoal.

user avatar for @paullim0314:camprappler.campin.gg
Paul Lim
Jun 25 03:12 AM

masyadong technical si Imee pag dating sa detalye laban sa kabilang side.

user avatar for @beacupin:camprappler.campin.gg
Bea Cupin
Jun 25 03:22 AM

Foreign Affairs Secretary Manalo says: We have been working hard to bring back China to the table to resolve these issues.

03:22 AM

Manalo says he's hopeful BCM with China can push through in early July.

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liziel, Nash Laroya and Nica joined the channel.
user avatar for @beacupin:camprappler.campin.gg
Bea Cupin
Jun 25 03:39 AM

Discussion now is whether the ROREs to Ayungin is a military or PCG operation. To be clear: It's always been a military operation with PCG only providing escort and support. The PCG has always made this clear.

The Philippine Navy, however, typically civilian vessels during rotation and resupply mission to the BRP Sierra Madre (unlike other outposts in the West Philippine Sea, where gray ships are used). Still, these civilian ships (the Unaizah Mays) are manned by Navy personnel.

03:39 AM

Teodoro notes a "gradual shift" in operational security, when asked why this time, it was the AFP that divulged info on the June 17 RORE and not the PCG.

user avatar for @beacupin:camprappler.campin.gg
Bea Cupin
Jun 25 04:13 AM

Teodoro addresses questions about this incident. He repeats AFP statement (they were challenged, and Chinese Navy vessels then responded) and adds it was innocent passage.


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JHANNIES has joined the channel.Jun 25 04:13 AM
user avatar for @beacupin:camprappler.campin.gg
Bea Cupin
Jun 25 04:18 AM

Public hearing ends. Committee to hold an executive session.

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Elaine has joined the channel.Jun 25 06:33 AM
Miss Go
Jun 25 02:24 PM

Occidental Mindoro, facing the West Philippine Sea. Home of fisherfolk previously harassed by Chinese vessels. What was the provincial government thinking?

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dea has joined the channel.Jun 25 03:12 PM
user avatar for @beacupin:camprappler.campin.gg
Bea Cupin
Jun 26 12:24 AM

NOW: DFA Sec Enrique Manalo keynotes the East-West Center's International Media Conference in Manila.

12:24 AM

12:27 AM

Manalo highlights role of journalist in Philippines' assertion of sovereign rights kn West Philippine Sea. He mentions the reporters who've covered tensions there, as well as the difficulties Filipinos -- fisherfolk, especially -- face in those waters.

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Zariyah Isla Leviste has joined the channel.Jun 27 10:13 AM
user avatar for @beacupin:camprappler.campin.gg
Bea Cupin
Jun 27 11:24 PM

AFP chief Gen Romeo Brawner issues statement titled "On the alarming surge in disinformation efforts"

The Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) has observed an alarming surge in disinformation campaigns aimed at eroding the public's trust in our institution and the government. These efforts seek to sow panic, divide our nation, and distract us from pressing issues that demand our collective attention.

In these trying times, it is crucial for every Filipino to remain vigilant and critical of the information they encounter and share. Disinformation not only distorts the truth but also undermines our unity, making us vulnerable to external challenges that threaten our national security and stability.

We urge the public to verify sources and seek information from credible and official channels. Let us stand together in the face of these desperate attempts to spread discord. Our strength lies in our unity, and together, we can overcome any challenge.

The AFP remains committed to its duty of protecting our nation and upholding the peace and security agenda of President Ferdinand Marcos Jr. We call on every Filipino to join us in this endeavor, fostering a spirit of solidarity and resilience against those who wish to weaken our resolve.


Chief of Staff, Armed Forces of the Philippines

11:26 PM

What's the context of AFP chief Brawner's statement? @here

Just this week, the AFP has had to fact-check/issue clarifications on social media posts that spread wrong information using real photos that: 1) were FILE photos or 2) were not even taken in the Philippines.

See (https://web.facebook.com/armedforcesofthephilippines/posts/pfbid0dyBBZYFsEtQHQeuC8K2LrGCf7VJuCy6te8JMW5yYS91KYQ3Tz4rLBRfUWiroJDbjl)
and (https://web.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=848712523957826&id=100064572589016&mibextid=WC7FNe&rdid=AxycCI94Y0WKfx0F)

What a way to end the week. Curious that Brawner does not say where these disinfo efforts are from.

user avatar for @beacupin:camprappler.campin.gg
Bea Cupin
Jun 28 01:31 AM

UPDATE: The US State Dept, in a readout, says Deputy Secretary Kurt Campbell brought up "luding at Second Thomas Shoal" in a conversation People’s Republic of China (PRC) Executive Vice Foreign Minister Ma Zhaoxu.

Says State Dept spokesperson Matthew Miller: "The Deputy Secretary also reiterated that U.S. commitments to the Philippines under the Mutual Defense Treaty remain ironclad. He also stressed the importance of maintaining peace and stability across the Taiwan Strait. The Deputy Secretary also reiterated concern over the PRC’s support for the Russian defense industrial base and discussed challenges on the Korean Peninsula."

Talks between Campbell and Ma are "part of ongoing efforts to maintain open lines of communication between the United States and the PRC and responsibly manage competition in the relationship."

user avatar for @beacupin:camprappler.campin.gg
Bea Cupin
Jun 28 02:43 AM

UPDATE: National Security Adviser Sec Eduardo Año says he spoke to his American counterpart, National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan on June 27. The two talked about "the recent escalatory and violent actions against Philippine servicemen near Ayungin."

"The two NSAs also underscored the critical role of Manila's transparency policy on the West Philippine Sea and the primacy of resolving disputes through peaceful means as well as upholding a rules-based international order."

Glenda M. Gloria
Jun 28 03:49 AM

Meanwhile, Biden depressed me today 😔

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Crystal has joined the channel.Jun 29 07:32 AM
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user avatar for @beacupin:camprappler.campin.gg
Bea Cupin
Jul 04 03:25 AM

LOOK: President Marcos, Special Assistant to the President Anton Lagdameo, ES Lucas Bersamin, Defense Sec. Gibo Teodoro and AFP Chief Gen. Romeo S. Browner lead the AFP's 1st Sem 2024 Command Conference at Camp Aguinaldo. (PPA pool)

user avatar for @beacupin:camprappler.campin.gg
Bea Cupin
Jul 04 03:35 AM

According to the AFP, the 1st sem Command Conf was held to "review the progress of AFP’s campaigns and programs for the first semester and to provide further directives." AFP adds: "During the conference, ground commanders presented detailed updates on their respective operations and their assessment of internal and external security threats. An outbrief of Exercise Balikatan 39-2024 was also presented to the president."

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Pia Ranada unpinned a message.Jul 04 03:42 AM
Jul 04 07:03 AM

@here Happening right now at the Rappler office: an exclusive Rappler+ briefing on the tensions in the West Philippine Sea. Security/foreign affairs reporter Bea Cupin discusses the situation at Ayungin Shoal.

Join us for future exclusive briefings like this by signing up for Rappler+ at https://rappler.com/offers

Jul 04 07:53 AM

Editor-at-large Marites Vitug also comes in to discuss the flashpoints and bigger picture of the West Philippine Sea.

Join Rappler+ and get exclusive access to future briefings: https://rappler.com/offers

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KiraSF has joined the channel.Jul 05 06:28 AM
user avatar for @beacupin:camprappler.campin.gg
Bea Cupin
Jul 05 10:04 AM

PCG, in a release to media, says it's been able to detect the movements of the China Coast Guard's 165-meter "monster ship" (CCG-5901) using Canada's Dark Vessel Detection system.

Says the PCG: On July 1st, the ship departed from Hainan and entered the Philippines' Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) on the following day. On July 3rd, it traveled directly to Ayungin Shoal and later proceeded to Panganiban Reef. After a few hours, the ship was detected once again, this time heading towards Escoda Shoal. She was radio challenged by the PCG vessel, BRP Teresa Magbanua. The PCG asked the intention of the Chinese ship and emphasized that it was operating within the Philippines' EEZ.

For over two consecutive days, the Chinese Coast Guard ship has been anchored at Escoda Shoal, maintaining a close proximity to BRP Teresa Magbanua. The distance between the two vessels is less than 800 yards, with the Chinese ship positioned on the starboard beam of the PCG vessel.

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menchD has joined the channel.Jul 08 01:50 AM
Jul 08 03:00 AM

The Philippines and Japan sign the Reciprocal Access Agreement, enabling both countries to send troops to each other's territory for training and joint exercises. @here

03:01 AM

user avatar for @beacupin:camprappler.campin.gg
Bea Cupin
Jul 08 03:06 AM

Now that the RAA's been signed, we'll be bringing you updates on another major event in defense and foreign affairs in the Philippines – bilateral meetings between the foreign and defense ministers of the Philippines and Japan, as well as the 2nd 2+2 meeting between the 4 ministers.

We'll be covering these meetings, as well as the press conference at around 430pm later today @here

03:07 AM

Added context about the RAA: It was negotiated in practically record time. Formal negotiations began in November 2023, it was first spoken of under the Marcos admin in Feb 2023 – although commitments to finalize it were made between the Philippines and Japan in April 2022 (before Marcos started his term). https://www.rappler.com/newsbreak/explainers/things-to-know-philippines-japan-reciprocal-access-agreement/

Jul 08 03:17 AM

Now that it's signed, will the RAA have any trouble getting passed in the Senate?

user avatar for @beacupin:camprappler.campin.gg
Bea Cupin
Jul 08 03:26 AM

This is where the 2+2 meeting will be taking place later today. Before that, the Philippines and Japan's ministers will be meeting separately.

user avatar for @paterno:camprappler.campin.gg
Paterno Esmaquel II
Jul 08 03:39 AM

@Bea Cupin what's the difference between RAA and VFA? What's in VFA that's not in RAA, and vice versa?

user avatar for @beacupin:camprappler.campin.gg
Bea Cupin
Jul 08 04:25 AM
Paterno Esmaquel II

@Bea Cupin what's the difference between RAA and VFA? What's in VFA that's not in RAA, and vice versa?

We don't have the full text of the RAA just yet but there's a lot of emphasis on the fact that the agreement with Japan is reciprocal, which the ease of deployment for joint exercises and training goes both ways.

user avatar for @paterno:camprappler.campin.gg
Paterno Esmaquel II
Jul 08 04:27 AM

Ah, sa VFA unrequited love (to borrow the title of @marites vitug and Camille Elemia's new book), @Bea Cupin ? 😬

user avatar for @beacupin:camprappler.campin.gg
Bea Cupin
Jul 08 04:52 AM
Paterno Esmaquel II

Ah, sa VFA unrequited love (to borrow the title of @marites vitug and Camille Elemia's new book), @Bea Cupin ? 😬

Haha! In fairness, I think it's also because of Japan and the Philippines' proximity? Would be practical for military forces to be familiar with both Philippine and Japanese soil, esp when you're talking about littoral capabilities. But we shall find out when the full text is made public or after the presser later!

user avatar for @beacupin:camprappler.campin.gg
Bea Cupin
Jul 08 05:27 AM

A peek into what happens behind the scenes – Philippine and Japanese officials negotiate with media over positions ahead of Manalo and Kamikawa's arrival. No untoward incidents during the photo/video spray and the opening statements, I'm glad to report :)

user avatar for @beacupin:camprappler.campin.gg
Bea Cupin
Jul 08 05:36 AM

WATCH opening statements from the foreign ministers here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PkB3hD1y0bw

user avatar for @kaye:camprappler.campin.gg
Jul 08 06:41 AM

2+2 meeting happening now! Updates coming in from Bea

user avatar for @beacupin:camprappler.campin.gg
Bea Cupin
Jul 08 06:54 AM

During the opening remarks for the 2+2 meeting, Philippine Foreign Secretary Manalo said Japan and the Philippines' strategic partnership adds to stability in the Indo-Pacific. Says they will touch on the South China Sea, East China Sea, and the Korean Peninsula, among other things, during the bilateral meeting with defense officials from Manila and Tokyo. RAA, notes Manalo, brings PH-Japan bilateral ties to "unprecedented heights."

Defense Sec Gibo Teodoro, meanwhile, said the RAA was an "instrument of trust" and that it begins a "greater work" of building bilateral and multilateral confidence between the two militaries.

user avatar for @beacupin:camprappler.campin.gg
Bea Cupin
Jul 08 07:57 AM

Press briefing with the defense and foreign ministers of the Philippines and Japan begins in a few. We'll be streaming this live on Rappler.

07:58 AM

Full text of the RAA can be found here (from Japan's MOFA): https://www.mofa.go.jp/files/100694772.pdf

user avatar for @beacupin:camprappler.campin.gg
Bea Cupin
Jul 08 08:18 AM

Press briefing has started. SFA Manalo says 2+2 meeting between PH and Japan a "milestone" in bilateral relations.

08:21 AM

Manalo notes PH-Japan bilateral ties a "resilient partnership anchored on shared values" and "pillar of regional stability."

user avatar for @kaye:camprappler.campin.gg
Jul 08 09:21 AM

From Bea: 2+2 meeting ends with a handshake between the four ministers

user avatar for @beacupin:camprappler.campin.gg
Bea Cupin
Jul 09 06:42 AM

Hello! We'll be talking to Joshua Espeña later about the RAA, and PH-Japan ties. If you have any questions, please leave them here (about the implications, perhaps not the text of the RAA itself)! @here

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Eriberto T. has joined the channel.Jul 10 07:12 AM
user avatar for @beacupin:camprappler.campin.gg
Bea Cupin
Jul 10 08:02 AM

LOOK: Naval Forces Northern Luzon, AFP celebrate the "7th anniversary of the Philippine Rise" at Poro Point, San Fernando, La Union. FF150 conducted a Flag Raising Ceremony, followed by a flyby of the C130 aircraft, showcasing the country’s aerospace security capabilities and symbolizing national strength over the Philippine Rise, according to the AFP.

Photos by Naval Forces Northern Luzon


Eriberto T.
Jul 10 08:06 AM
Bea Cupin

LOOK: Naval Forces Northern Luzon, AFP celebrate the "7th anniversary of the Philippine Rise" at Poro Point, San Fernando, La Union. FF150 conducted a Flag Raising Ceremony, followed by a flyby of the C130 aircraft, showcasing the country’s aerospace security capabilities and symbolizing national strength over the Philippine Rise, according to the AFP. Photos by Naval Forces Northern Luzon @here

Happy Anniversary!

user avatar for @beacupin:camprappler.campin.gg
Bea Cupin
Jul 10 08:16 AM

AFP, in a statement says they've gotten reports of a "bilateral China-Russia exercise in the Philippine Sea."

AFP: What they do in the high seas is being monitored. The AFP is committed to ensuring peace and stability in the Indo-Pacific region. We will continue to monitor this situation to ensure PH sovereign rights are not violated. We emphasize the importance of maintaining peace and stability in the region and urge all parties to adhere to international laws and norms.

user avatar for @beacupin:camprappler.campin.gg
Bea Cupin
Jul 11 10:32 PM

Good morning security/global affairs channel! I hope the past week has been kind. We end the week remembering a milestone for the Philippines: the 2016 Arbitral Ruling.

10:34 PM

On the anniversary of the 2016 Arbitral Ruling, Foreign Sec Enrique Manalo says: "the Philippines will move forward to chart a course anchored on peace, security and prosperity in our region."



The Department of Foreign Affairs joins the nation and the international community in commemorating the eighth year of the promulgation of the 2016 Arbitral Award on the South China Sea. The Award is a testament to our unwavering commitment to the rule of law and the peaceful settlement of disputes. Over the years, the Philippines has continued to demonstrate this commitment to peace even in the face of the unlawful actions which have caused serious incidents in the South China Sea, without ever diminishing our resolve to protect and promote our people’s interest and the full and responsible enjoyment of our legally settled maritime entitlements and its accompanying rights and jurisdictions.

(1/2) @here

10:34 PM

This determination has only been strengthened by the broadening affirmation of the legal value of the Award as a positive and legitimate source of international law. We are encouraged by the expressions of support made by other States that confirm the final and binding status of the Award, including the G7’s consistent reaffirmation that it is a significant milestone and a useful basis for the peaceful management and resolution of differences at sea. Further, the Philippines welcomed the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea (ITLOS) Advisory Opinion on Climate Change, which cited the Award as authoritative in key parts of the ruling, with multiple States or groups of States referencing the Award as legal authority in their respective oral and written statements, underscoring its unassailable status as part of the corpus of international law.

The Award is a reaffirmation of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea and protects our rights as a coastal state and a seafaring people. Every effort to secure our legitimate interests in our maritime domain is a testament to the determination and courage of the Filipino people, while showcasing the Philippines’ vision of peace and stability that inspires and resonates beyond the waters of the South China Sea.

With our national interest and sovereign rights in mind, the Philippines will move forward to chart a course anchored on peace, security and prosperity in our region. @here (2/2)

user avatar for @beacupin:camprappler.campin.gg
Bea Cupin
Jul 11 10:40 PM

Secretary of State Blinken’s statement on the eighth anniversary of the Arbitral Tribunal Ruling:

Eight years ago, a unanimous Arbitral Tribunal constituted under the 1982 Law of the Sea Convention determined that the People’s Republic of China’s expansive South China Sea maritime claims are inconsistent with international law. In its ruling, the Tribunal firmly rejected any PRC territorial or maritime claim to areas determined by the Tribunal to be part of the Philippines’ exclusive economic zone and continental shelf. As provided under the Convention, the 2016 arbitral decision is final and legally binding on the PRC and the Philippines.

Over the past year, the PRC’s use of water cannons, dangerous maneuvers, and destructive tactics – including ramming, forcible towing, and boarding that has resulted in damage to Philippine vessels and injury to Philippine service members – has routinely interfered with the lawful exercise of high seas freedoms in areas where the Arbitral Tribunal determined the PRC has no lawful territorial or maritime claims. The PRC’s actions reflect a blatant disregard for international law as well as the safety and livelihoods of Filipinos.

The United States remains deeply concerned about the PRC’s assertion of “territorial sovereignty” over vast areas that are clearly within the maritime jurisdiction of Vietnam, the Philippines, Malaysia, and Brunei, and where high seas freedoms of navigation and overflight apply under international law. Upholding the international law of the sea, as reflected in the 1982 Law of the Sea Convention, is in the interest of the entire international community and remains vital to the peace, security, and prosperity of all nations.

We continue to call on the PRC to abide by the 2016 arbitral ruling, to cease its dangerous and destabilizing conduct, and to comport its conduct as well as its territorial and maritime claims in the South China Sea to the international law of the sea as reflected in the Convention.

user avatar for @beacupin:camprappler.campin.gg
Bea Cupin
Jul 12 01:40 AM

We're livestreaming a Stratbase-organized forum on the Arbitral Ruling. Top security, defense, and diplomacy officials from the Philippines and like-minded countries are here.


user avatar for @beacupin:camprappler.campin.gg
Bea Cupin
Jul 12 03:57 AM

Retired justice Antonio Carpio on China's newest claims that it's the BRP Sierra Madre that's ruining the maritime environment in West Philippine Sea: China should stop harassing our resupply ships so we can repair the Sierra Madre. He also points out that any damage caused by the BRP Sierra Madre is nothing compared to the destruction of maritime areas as a result of China's island-building activities.

user avatar for @beacupin:camprappler.campin.gg
Bea Cupin
Jul 12 04:17 AM

LOOK: Recent Pulse Asia survey indicates most Filipinos agree that the current Marcos admin "must continue asserting our maritime rights and protecting our territory in the West Philippine Sea."

04:18 AM

Same survey shows US, Japan, Canada, Australia, the UK among top countries that Filipinos believe the PH gov't should work with in asserting rights in West Philippine Sea.

04:19 AM

Pulse Asia presents during Startbase conference results of a recent survey on sentiments re: West Philippine Sea @here

04:20 AM

Most Filipinos also think that the elevation of alliances and partnerships, through joint patrols and military exercises is top measure to strengthen PH external defense capabilities.

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Today, 5 hours ago

LOOK: 125 soldiers from the Philippine Army join their Australian Army counterparts for the month-long Philippine-Australia (PH-AUS) Exercise Carabaroo 2024 in Darwin, Northern Territory, Australia on July 15, 2024. (Philippine Army photos)